Count Dracula's Lair?

By NoNamium, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Sea of Blood Spoiler alert!

In the avatar dungeon Area 1 for the Razorwing overlord, there are more Razorwings than are provided in the box.

Normally I would not be able to spawn them all, and I know that some dungeons from the Compendium have been Errataed.

However, this is an Avatar dungeon, unlike any other, I think it quite odd to put more monsters in the same area than there are in the box, and since this is a campaign and the last level I believe this to be somewhat a different case than just not being able to spawn.

Ex. Wedensday when we had our weekly campaign game, the team was in the Rumor dungeon "The White Drake", and they opened a door in the middle section before the razorwings had been killed, thus leaving me with 4 almost useless spawns. These were however in different areas, so I assume this is then also a different "ruling".

NoNamium said:

Sea of Blood Spoiler alert!

In the avatar dungeon Area 1 for the Razorwing overlord, there are more Razorwings than are provided in the box.

Normally I would not be able to spawn them all, and I know that some dungeons from the Compendium have been Errataed.

However, this is an Avatar dungeon, unlike any other, I think it quite odd to put more monsters in the same area than there are in the box, and since this is a campaign and the last level I believe this to be somewhat a different case than just not being able to spawn.

Ex. Wedensday when we had our weekly campaign game, the team was in the Rumor dungeon "The White Drake", and they opened a door in the middle section before the razorwings had been killed, thus leaving me with 4 almost useless spawns. These were however in different areas, so I assume this is then also a different "ruling".

For the Keep, this is not the first time this has happened. A few of the Lts I think call for more figures than are available.

As for the rumor, I vaguely recall some rule/clarification that if you ran into that problem, you could pull monsters off the board to spawn. However, since I can't seem to find that and I'm not near my stuff, I could be very well wrong about that or confusing it with the trap ruling.

The rule that you are thinking of is in the original games quest book, page 1.

It states that if you need to place monsters in an area, and do not have enough models, you can pull them off somewhere else. I also assume that you can do this when you need to spawn as well.

The original quests called for more figures than the game provided, such as 2 masters when the game only had 1. In those cases they specifically told you to use normal figures and point out to the heroes they are masters. I don't have SoB so I don't have the map, but if this is the problem do you have enough regulars to make up for the missing masters?

Spawning is a different issue though. You are prohibited from having more figures than are available. If you want to spawn more figures you can remove figures from the board in order to spawn new ones. This includes when revealing new areas.