redeploying reinforcement waves same as any other group?

By aceckert, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

In "Into the Unknown" you choose 2 "reinforcement waves" of 8pts or less and also have 3 deployments in open group. Just want confirmation that when defeated any figures in my "reinforcement waves" can be redeployed with threat just as I do with the open group (just like if they were part of the initial group or reserve group). I think that is true, but want to make sure they aren't one time deploys.

That's right. Unless it's a unique figure or it's called out explicitly by the mission rules, any deployment that's defeated (whether it was initially a reserve group, an open group, an initial deployment or even a special reinforcement wave) goes back into your hand of open groups.

5 minutes ago, ManateeX said:

That's right. Unless it's a unique figure or it's called out explicitly by the mission rules, any deployment that's defeated (whether it was initially a reserve group, an open group, an initial deployment or even a special reinforcement wave) goes back into your hand of open groups.


Once a group is deployed, you don't (usually) need to track where it came from. Barring mission rules, once a non-unique group is defeated, it is returned to the IP's hand and can be redeployed in a further optional deployment by paying its threat cost.