
By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


In Road to Legend, we can't make a town action and return to the dungeon in the same turn.

Is this the same rule in the normal play mode? If y go to town by a glyph and the next turn I spend 3 mouvment points to buy/sell things. Can I return to the dungeon in this same second turn, with the mouvments points remaning?

Bashwilly said:


In Road to Legend, we can't make a town action and return to the dungeon in the same turn.

Is this the same rule in the normal play mode? If y go to town by a glyph and the next turn I spend 3 mouvment points to buy/sell things. Can I return to the dungeon in this same second turn, with the mouvments points remaning?

Depends. You may only use one glyph per turn on a one way trip. So in your example yes. However if you went to town and then wanted to go back all in the same turn you can't.

I have a (noob) question here.

Do you have to teleport back to the same glyph that you left the dungeon by? or can you teleport back to ANY active glyph?

Krede said:

I have a (noob) question here.

Do you have to teleport back to the same glyph that you left the dungeon by? or can you teleport back to ANY active glyph?

Any activated glyph.