Shiro Nishiyama

By player3027070, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

For the Crab Stronghold:

Action: During a conflict, bow this stronghold – each defending character you control gets +1 military and +1 Political until the end of the conflict.

Can I add characters to the conflict on defense, AND have them gain the benefit of the stronghold action? I ask due to a game last night vs. my son’s dragon deck. His stronghold specifies:

Action: During a conflict, bow this stronghold. Choose a participating character with 1 or more attachments on it – until the end of the conflict, that character gets +1 military and +1 Political (+2 military and +2 Political instead if it has 2 or more attachments on it).

S.N. Implies the bonus for any defending player that is either in or joins the confict due to its wording. MAS has writing that specifies directly a specific character. I know it’s apples to oranges here, but figured wording in most card games is pretty tight these days, so clarification is worth while.

Both apply a one-time effect to the characters. Dragon stronghold gives the character +1/+1 or +2/+2, depending on the number of attachments on the character when the ability resolves. Shiro Nishiyama gives each participating character +1/+1 until end of conflict. If you move a new character in, it will not receive a bonus.

What AradonTemplar said, but I’m more interested in how did you manage to put the MIL and POL symbols in the post.

Edited by Tabris2k

Ha. I was amazed it worked myself. I had to google the cards to find the text as it was written. Found a website that gave the info. (Link below) Managed to copy/paste on my iPhone and was as impressed with myself (and surprised) as you. Unfortunately I can claim no superior web King Fu. Only a touch of luck.

Thanks for the clarify.

Edited by player3027070