What do you mean, "How to make L5R RPG Beta friendlier?"
I'm glad you asked, Bob.
A little background on myself: I first learned about the Legend of the Five Rings RPG at Origins Game Fair 2008 when I walked in on the Heroes of Rokugan Living Campaign. It was like Living Grayhawk or Pathfinder Society if that rings a bell and still has a cult following. I later joined Five Rings Online, an online community of L5R RPG players (100+). So, I have a lot of experience with very large games as I have served as a Game Master for both.
There has been a lot of talk around the online water cooler about how the new Beta works great for a home game, but it would fail to work for a large game like Five Rings Online. There is even skepticism on how well it would work for Heroes of Rokugan.
I believe this is all largely due in part to the nature of it being something new. The Beta is unlike anything we have seen before so it defies normal conventions and creates new ways to play the game.
However, I tend to be optimistic at the best of times.
How do you think the Beta can be adapted to accommodate a large scale game? If a Game Master was not present (like in many instances of Five Rings Online outside of scheduled adventures of "scenes") how do you best adjudicate interactions between characters as opposed to Non-Playable Characters? With the adventure provided with the Beta, how well does that work as a scripted adventure? That is the standard for a living campaign like Heroes of Rokugan. I'm trying to learn about how the new system can be adapted to work unless I'm overthinking what it can and cannot do.