Some of these are serious, some are goofy, some are a bit of both. Many can be accomplished with just good play and deck building. Many others require a ton of luck and/or cooperation from your opponent to set up the right circumstances.
- Why Can't I Hold All These Katanas? - Control a character with five or more attachments
- You just got Crabbed - Lose a 5-cost character to your opponent's Way of the Crab
- Who needs characters? - Have a turn where all of your non-stronghold provinces have holdings on them
- Lucky my shield will protect me - on the same turn as "Who needs characters?" don't let any of your provinces get broken
- Immortal Champion - keep the same character on the board for 5 or more consecutive rounds without leaving play
- Reverse Ambush - win a conflict as the defending player without committing any defenders when the conflict is declared
- Deja Vu All Over Again - play the same event card three times in the same round
- Triplets - control three copies of the same character at the same time
- What makes a man go neutral? - play a game with a deck where more than half of your total Dynasty and Conflict cards are Neutral cards
- By Your Powers Combined... - experience a round in which all five ring effects are triggered
- The Court is Also a Battlefield - break your opponent's stronghold with a Political conflict as Lion, Unicorn, or Crab clan
- Aggressive Negotiations - break your opponent's stronghold with a Military conflict as Crane, Scorpion, or Phoenix clan
- Balance in All Things - as Dragon clan, win a game by declaring an exactly equal number of Military and Political conflicts
- It's Time to D-D-D-D-Duel! - win 5 or more duels in a single game
- Pride Goes Before a Fall - see one or more characters with the Pride trait losing a conflict at least 3 times in a single game
- Orator For The Ages - control a character with 12 or higher Political skill (after modifications)
- Ultimate Warrior - control a character with 12 or higher Military skill (after modifications)
- I Get Knocked Down... - have the same character bow and ready again 3 or more times in one round
- Indefatigable - have a single character participate in all four conflicts in one round
- Honor Before Card Advantage - bid zero
- Draw ALL the Cards - bid seven
- Elemental Specialist - claim the same ring at least 5 times in one game
- Draw-Go - as the First Player, pass in the Dynasty phase without taking any actions or playing any characters
- Perfectly Matched - when a game goes to time, have the the same amount of honor and the same number of broken provinces as your opponent
- Skunked - win or lose a game by two different victory conditions at the same time
- Mind, Body, and Soul - attack with three characters at the same time, including one courtier, one bushi, and one shugenja
- Coalition Victory - control and/or play at least one card with each of the five elemental traits (earth, fire, air, water, and void) in the same round
- No Kill Like Overkill - win a Military conflict by a margin of 10 or more skill
- All Your Eggs in One Basket - spend 8 or more fate when playing a single character
- Honorable Even in Defeat - concede a game that has gone to time
- Aggro Pony - win a game without ever being Second Player
- Conservation of Ninjitsu - break a province by attacking with a single Shinobi
- Broken, Shattered, and Torn - experience a game in which 9 provinces are broken
- Stealth Mission - control three or more characters with Covert at the same time
- Virtues of Bushido - control a single character with Courtesy, Sincerity, and Pride
- Traitor in Our Midst - break an opponent's stronghold using one of their own characters
- Mirror Match - play a game against an opponent using the same clans as you (both main clan and splash)
- Tainted Victory - win a game while controlling 3 or more Shadowlands cards in play
- Time to Buy New Sleeves - shuffle your conflict deck due to card effects at least 6 times in a single game
- That Escalated Quickly - have 3 of your opponent's provinces break in one round
- Trench Warfare - break your opponent's "Entrenched Position" province with a Military attack
- Ancestors Must be Napping - break your opponent's "Ancestral Lands" province with a Political attack
- Over Their Shoulder - use card effects to look at your opponent's hand at least 5 times in one game
- Family Reunion - have at least 4 different characters in play with the same family name at the same time
- Where There's a Will, There's a Way - play a card with "Way of" in the card name at least 4 times in one game
- Trained Seal - play two different "Seal of" attachments on the same neutral character
- Zerg Rush - control at least 5 characters in play during the first round of the game
- True Pacifist - win a game without declaring any Military conflicts
- No Time to Talk - win a game without declaring any Political conflicts
- An Irresistible Temptation - take four or more fate from the same ring at once
- Mutually Assured Destruction - have a player run out of honor in the same round their opponent's stronghold is broken