If L5R had Achievements...

By EdgeOfDreams, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Some of these are serious, some are goofy, some are a bit of both. Many can be accomplished with just good play and deck building. Many others require a ton of luck and/or cooperation from your opponent to set up the right circumstances.

  • Why Can't I Hold All These Katanas? - Control a character with five or more attachments
  • You just got Crabbed - Lose a 5-cost character to your opponent's Way of the Crab
  • Who needs characters? - Have a turn where all of your non-stronghold provinces have holdings on them
  • Lucky my shield will protect me - on the same turn as "Who needs characters?" don't let any of your provinces get broken
  • Immortal Champion - keep the same character on the board for 5 or more consecutive rounds without leaving play
  • Reverse Ambush - win a conflict as the defending player without committing any defenders when the conflict is declared
  • Deja Vu All Over Again - play the same event card three times in the same round
  • Triplets - control three copies of the same character at the same time
  • What makes a man go neutral? - play a game with a deck where more than half of your total Dynasty and Conflict cards are Neutral cards
  • By Your Powers Combined... - experience a round in which all five ring effects are triggered
  • The Court is Also a Battlefield - break your opponent's stronghold with a Political conflict as Lion, Unicorn, or Crab clan
  • Aggressive Negotiations - break your opponent's stronghold with a Military conflict as Crane, Scorpion, or Phoenix clan
  • Balance in All Things - as Dragon clan, win a game by declaring an exactly equal number of Military and Political conflicts
  • It's Time to D-D-D-D-Duel! - win 5 or more duels in a single game
  • Pride Goes Before a Fall - see one or more characters with the Pride trait losing a conflict at least 3 times in a single game
  • Orator For The Ages - control a character with 12 or higher Political skill (after modifications)
  • Ultimate Warrior - control a character with 12 or higher Military skill (after modifications)
  • I Get Knocked Down... - have the same character bow and ready again 3 or more times in one round
  • Indefatigable - have a single character participate in all four conflicts in one round
  • Honor Before Card Advantage - bid zero
  • Draw ALL the Cards - bid seven
  • Elemental Specialist - claim the same ring at least 5 times in one game
  • Draw-Go - as the First Player, pass in the Dynasty phase without taking any actions or playing any characters
  • Perfectly Matched - when a game goes to time, have the the same amount of honor and the same number of broken provinces as your opponent
  • Skunked - win or lose a game by two different victory conditions at the same time
  • Mind, Body, and Soul - attack with three characters at the same time, including one courtier, one bushi, and one shugenja
  • Coalition Victory - control and/or play at least one card with each of the five elemental traits (earth, fire, air, water, and void) in the same round
  • No Kill Like Overkill - win a Military conflict by a margin of 10 or more skill
  • All Your Eggs in One Basket - spend 8 or more fate when playing a single character
  • Honorable Even in Defeat - concede a game that has gone to time
  • Aggro Pony - win a game without ever being Second Player
  • Conservation of Ninjitsu - break a province by attacking with a single Shinobi
  • Broken, Shattered, and Torn - experience a game in which 9 provinces are broken
  • Stealth Mission - control three or more characters with Covert at the same time
  • Virtues of Bushido - control a single character with Courtesy, Sincerity, and Pride
  • Traitor in Our Midst - break an opponent's stronghold using one of their own characters
  • Mirror Match - play a game against an opponent using the same clans as you (both main clan and splash)
  • Tainted Victory - win a game while controlling 3 or more Shadowlands cards in play
  • Time to Buy New Sleeves - shuffle your conflict deck due to card effects at least 6 times in a single game
  • That Escalated Quickly - have 3 of your opponent's provinces break in one round
  • Trench Warfare - break your opponent's "Entrenched Position" province with a Military attack
  • Ancestors Must be Napping - break your opponent's "Ancestral Lands" province with a Political attack
  • Over Their Shoulder - use card effects to look at your opponent's hand at least 5 times in one game
  • Family Reunion - have at least 4 different characters in play with the same family name at the same time
  • Where There's a Will, There's a Way - play a card with "Way of" in the card name at least 4 times in one game
  • Trained Seal - play two different "Seal of" attachments on the same neutral character
  • Zerg Rush - control at least 5 characters in play during the first round of the game
  • True Pacifist - win a game without declaring any Military conflicts
  • No Time to Talk - win a game without declaring any Political conflicts
  • An Irresistible Temptation - take four or more fate from the same ring at once
  • Mutually Assured Destruction - have a player run out of honor in the same round their opponent's stronghold is broken

Off-topic, but are personalities called characters now?

5 minutes ago, juntampb said:

Off-topic, but are personalities called characters now?

Yes. There is no such thing as a "personality" in the new LCG rules. There's just "characters". Some characters are Unique, and some have keywords like "Creature".

28 minutes ago, EdgeOfDreams said:

Yes. There is no such thing as a "personality" in the new LCG rules. There's just "characters". Some characters are Unique, and some have keywords like "Creature".

Gotcha, and thanks!


This is how I play. I did a baby jig when I got my first honor victory. Thank you for this post

Isn’t there an achievement for playing against that guy who’s constantly whining about how your clan is far superior to the others, how his clan is inferior to the others, what a bad luck he’s having with his card draw, what a good luck you’re having with your card draw, how good you’re playing, how bad he’s playing, and then you end up losing to him by a large margin?

Perhaps add

Too late: realise you've missed an obvious play that would have really helped ,three seconds after you can no longer do it.


I have epic level points at that

5 hours ago, Matrim said:

Perhaps add

Too late: realise you've missed an obvious play that would have really helped ,three seconds after you can no longer do it.


I have epic level points at that

In the same vein....

Oh No... MATHS! - Realize that you screwed up a skill count three seconds after it caused you to make a really bad play.

When it comes to that achievement, I am a superhero !

  • Bow before your betters - Win with 25 honor
  • Let honor be your guide - Lose by reaching 0 honor due to your own card
  • Leave no stone unturned - Break all five of your opponent's provinces
  • Favored by the Emperor - Retain control of the Imperial Favor for 5 rounds
  • Pureblooded - Win a game using a deck with no neutral card or card from another clan

Flawless! : Win on turn 1

1 hour ago, Tetsuhiko said:

Flawless! : Win on turn 1

Achievements should be achievable :)

So far you can only destroy a max of 3 provinces in one turn. (for those who are wondering it's in unicorn vs unicorn.)

Edited by Mig el Pig
3 minutes ago, Mig el Pig said:

Achievements should be achievable :)

So far you can only destroy a max of 3 provinces in one turn. (for those who are wondering it's in unicorn vs unicorn.

A turn one win is absolutely possible, but it requires your opponent to help you, just like a Fool's Mate or Scholar's Mate in chess. It would be based on Dishonor, not provinces. For example:

  • Your opponent is Crab, so they start with 10 honor.
  • You're Lion. You play Akodo Toturi and a 2-cost character.
  • You bid 1, they bid 5, so they give you 4 honor.
  • They use Assassination, losing another 3 honor.
  • You attack with Air ring, and for whatever reason they don't defend.
  • You trigger the Air ring twice, stealing 2 honor, and they lose 1 honor for not defending.
  • That's 10 total lost honor, so your opponent loses by Dishonor. You win.

Destroying 3 provinces in one turn only requires one player to be Unicorn and the other player to be a Seeker splashing Unicorn. That should be enough of a hint for people to figure out the required sequence of events.

Several of these will probably become much easier to achieve as more cards are published that allow these weird scenarios to occur in different ways. Also, it's worth noting that I didn't really do any analysis of how easy or hard each one would be. I just threw out a whole bunch of ideas really quickly. For the ones that have numbers, I either picked a number arbitrarily or went for something that I'm pretty sure is just barely possible. As far as I know, every one in my list is at least theoretically possible, though a few might be a bit of a stretch or require creative rules interpretations.

Edited by EdgeOfDreams

yeah, it's a cool list

So far I only managed to achieve: Reverse Ambush, Deja Vu All Over Again, Zerg Rush, An Irresistible Temptation, Orator For The Ages

and perhaps claiming the same ring 5 times.

1 hour ago, Mig el Pig said:

Achievements should be achievable :)

So far you can only destroy a max of 3 provinces in one turn. (for those who are wondering it's in unicorn vs unicorn.)

Apart from what EdgeOfDreams said, you can win by honor turn 1, Unicorn splashing Crab.

- Starting Honor 10

-You start with/mulligan two Yurt and two Rebuild.

-You bid 1, opponent 5

-Way of the Chrysanthemum for +8 Honor. Now 18.

-Yurt+rebuild, yurt+rebuild, choosing 2 honor each time for +8 Honor.

-You’re now at 26 Honor and Conflict phase hasn’t even started. :P

I know this is nearly impossible and requires The Perfect Hand™️, but if you pull it off... oh, man.

Edited by Tabris2k

Goblin Beauty Pageant: Claim the Imperial Favor with an Unbowed Goblin Sneak with 1 or more Glory

10 hours ago, Tabris2k said:

Isn’t there an achievement for playing against that guy who’s constantly whining about how your clan is far superior to the others, how his clan is inferior to the others, what a bad luck he’s having with his card draw, what a good luck you’re having with your card draw, how good you’re playing, how bad he’s playing, and then you end up losing to him by a large margin?

It is likely that everyone already accomplished this Achievement, long long ago....

As to the OP, awesome list, thanks for sharing!!

Edited by ZenClix
2 hours ago, ZenClix said:

It is likely that everyone already accomplished this Achievement, long long ago....

As to the OP, awesome list, thanks for sharing!!

That's okay, a lot of games these days like to give out easy achievements, like completing the tutorial. :P

19 minutes ago, Zesu Shadaban said:

That's okay, a lot of games these days like to give out easy achievements, like completing the tutorial. :P

The Full Game - buy a second core set.

So You Want to be Competitive - buy a third core set

Now You're Hooked - buy an expansion pack

Duty-bound to tell - steal someone's last honour with Blackmail Artist.

Burn the asset - impersonate a character with Shosuro Actress and have an opponent assassinate their own guy.

They've been my two highlights so far.

22 hours ago, Tabris2k said:

Apart from what EdgeOfDreams said, you can win by honor turn 1, Unicorn splashing Crab.

- Starting Honor 10

-You start with/mulligan two Yurt and two Rebuild.

-You bid 1, opponent 5

-Way of the Chrysanthemum for +8 Honor. Now 18.

-Yurt+rebuild, yurt+rebuild, choosing 2 honor each time for +8 Honor.

-You’re now at 26 Honor and Conflict phase hasn’t even started. :P

I know this is nearly impossible and requires The Perfect Hand™️, but if you pull it off... oh, man.

There's an other way (although still very unlikely)

-Play Lion (start at 12)

-You bid 1, you opponent bid 5.

-You play Way of the Crysenthemum for a net +8 honor. (20)

-You bring Akodo Toturi in play and win a Air conflict for a net +4 honor (24)

-You managed to honor Toturi before he leaves play (my personal favorite is splashing Phoenix for the kimono that gives you pride) (25 when he leaves play at the end of the turn. Alternatively, if you had contingency plan, you could bid 0 and win 10 honor with way of the crysenthemum.

On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 5:53 PM, EdgeOfDreams said:

By Your Powers Combined... - experience a round in which all five ring effects are triggered

I like it, but there should also be one:

Enlightenment's Still a Thing, Right? - In one turn, trigger all five ring effects. (Difference is this one has to be a single person)

I managed it once, as Phoenix. I attacked twice, declined to defend their one attack (and used the card to steal the effect), and then use Tsukune to use the last two rings. Of course, it'll probably be much easier now that we have Kaede.

I made a 48 Mil Toturi once.

No one gave me a trophy or even a cookie. =(

22 hours ago, Iuchi Toshimo said:

I made a 48 Mil Toturi once.

No one gave me a trophy or even a cookie. =(

Did you won the conflict?

Edited by Tabris2k

False Hoturi all over again - Win a duel against a unique character that has been impersonated by Shosuro Actress with another copy of that character.