So my wife and I have started for fun slowly beginning the process of translating the card game into Japanese (starting with names). This would also apply to the RPG to an extent as I'm sure some people are interested in potential Kanji for the names. One of the names did have to be changed slightly so far, specifically the Doji (どじ) name as the name (and thus the Kanji) means clumsy. Our big change to it was lengthening the O sound so now in romajii it would be written as Douji (どうじ) . If anyone is willing to help with this fan project I greatly appreciate it as well. I have yet to start work on the Minor clans, but I do plan to eventually get to those as well.
You will also find attached a picture of the names so far and how we have started to translate them.
Translating to Japanese
How did Ide and Iuchi end up with the same Kanji?
I probably would have choosen 同字 for Douji.
Also Daidoji is from the lore 大doji. So whatever you end up with Doji, Daidoji will have the same kanji.
This is my opinion ( with the help of Jisho. org) : keeping the kanji for "I" and then adding the kanji "内" to be used for the "Uchi" and the kanji "出" for the "De" making it Iuchi = 居内 and Ide = 居出.
所 is not pronounced as "I" in either On or Kun reading in Japanese. I suggest 位 for the "I" and 狛 for the "Koma" in Ikoma.
Edited by skyzyks
I'm too lazy to do the lookups from a graphic. Can you please repost the table as a table (tables paste in just fine, I've found) or rich-text (un-table it, then paste) so that I can findthe kanji readings in the official lists easier?
Personally, I prefer Hida to be 火田 (Fire & Fields, "slash and burn agriculture", according to my dictionaries... And Togashi to be "Fuji Oak"... colorful and often ironic, as Doji being "clumsy" - John Wick is a big fan of irony.