Proposed Change - Void Points changed to Fate points

By sndwurks, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

Simply a matter of language, more or less. In many ways, Void Points are an artifact of previous editions, where the Void Ring really did not do all that much other than being "cheaper" than other Rings and influencing dueling, meditation, and kiho. The Void Ring in previous editions represented a "heroic potential" in humans, while in the current rules, it is more a reflection of a connection to a greater spiritual world. Any character can use their Void Ring, simply by taking and relying on the Void Stance in Conflict scenes.

As such, I feel it would be good to remove Void Points from the concept of the Void Ring entirely, and rename them to Fate or Fate Points. This would align the nomenclature away from previous editions and towards the LCG, where Fate is a mechanical currency. Renaming it to Fate would also emphasize its purpose a bit more.

Did your Disadvantage cause you to fail the roll? Gain a point of Fate. Do not know the TN of a check before you attempt it? Gain a point of Fate to show Fate's intervention in the world. Need to survive that deadly hit? Spend a point of Fate to have a close call.

I think once you remove the "story currency" Void Points are meant to represent away from the Void Ring, and tie it instead to a concept of Fate, then you allow Heroes (and Villains) to be more important. Your average NPC will have a Void Ring, but unless they are destined to be capable of something one day, why would they have Fate? You start every session with a point of Fate, and can retain up to your School Rank, or alternatively start with half your School Rank in Fate points rounded up with no cap.


I wouldn't mind it, especially if Void Ring would then be added x1 to Resilience and Composure, giving them a little extra buffer.

I think FATE Core might take issue with this, as they use a system almost exactly like the Void point system and call them FATE points already...

But I do agree with the change. In previous L5R editions Void was a non-stat unless you were a Void Shugenja. For everyone else Void was simply the filler stat for when you needed a boost. In this system Void is a bonafide stat and as such the Void Points don't mean the same thing to the Void stat as they used to... Might as well detach them from the Void stat and call them something else - especially since they mostly come from disads being called out against you rather than through meditation or other communing.

Edited by Soshi Nimue
2 hours ago, Soshi Nimue said:

In previous L5R editions Void was a non-stat unless you were a Void Shugenja. For everyone else Void was simply the filler stat for when you needed a boost.

Not really. In 4th I’m usually content leaving Void at 3 (never at 2 though), in older editions it mattered quite a bit to me.

I kind of like the old Void Point throwback name... but maybe that's just me being nostalgic.

It is undeniable that Void is now much more interchangeable with other Rings than in previous editions. But other Rings also define derived stats, so it's only fair that Void should have its own too (i.e. VP maximum). Then, whether it's named Void Points or Fate Points is kind of tomato/tom*ei*to to me. It's already what it does.

5 hours ago, Soshi Nimue said:

I think FATE Core might take issue with this, as they use a system almost exactly like the Void point system and call them FATE points already...

But I do agree with the change. In previous L5R editions Void was a non-stat unless you were a Void Shugenja. For everyone else Void was simply the filler stat for when you needed a boost. In this system Void is a bonafide stat and as such the Void Points don't mean the same thing to the Void stat as they used to... Might as well detach them from the Void stat and call them something else - especially since they mostly come from disads being called out against you rather than through meditation or other communing.

At least 10 other games have used the term Fate Points, and Evil Hat are generally not suit-happy.

WFRP used Fate Points - specifically for the "Save your butt from death" mode - in 1E. 2E allowed lesser uses that regenerate.

Others include: Burning Wheel, Burning Empires, Mouse Guard, Torchbearer, CAstles and Crusades (optional rule), Dragon Warriors 2E (optional rule), Dark Heresy (and the other 40K line RPGs), Barbarians of Lemuria, d6 Space.

enough right there for a judge to quash a trademark suit for failure to defend prior.

I think it's a good idea. And we also can detach derivated stats to ring. I don't see why being friendly give you fatigue than being more forceful. Or that being dexterous make you more vigilant than being intuitive.

This is why I do not feel that "Fate Points" should be the operating term. I feel that simply "points of Fate", while mechanically the same, is different enough in nomenclature to skirt the issue of copying FATE Core or other games.

I think it's probably one of the best idea I've read in these beta forum. Void is indeed more "involved" in game mechanics than before. Yet what became of void points felt unsatisfactory.

Calling that Fate alleviates the hurt of Old Void Points Nostalgia and is indeed a nice tie up to the new LCG.

that's what FFG should strive for. reinventing the RPG with inspiration from the lcg.

Edited by Nitenman

Yes. 1000 times yes.