Simply a matter of language, more or less. In many ways, Void Points are an artifact of previous editions, where the Void Ring really did not do all that much other than being "cheaper" than other Rings and influencing dueling, meditation, and kiho. The Void Ring in previous editions represented a "heroic potential" in humans, while in the current rules, it is more a reflection of a connection to a greater spiritual world. Any character can use their Void Ring, simply by taking and relying on the Void Stance in Conflict scenes.
As such, I feel it would be good to remove Void Points from the concept of the Void Ring entirely, and rename them to Fate or Fate Points. This would align the nomenclature away from previous editions and towards the LCG, where Fate is a mechanical currency. Renaming it to Fate would also emphasize its purpose a bit more.
Did your Disadvantage cause you to fail the roll? Gain a point of Fate. Do not know the TN of a check before you attempt it? Gain a point of Fate to show Fate's intervention in the world. Need to survive that deadly hit? Spend a point of Fate to have a close call.
I think once you remove the "story currency" Void Points are meant to represent away from the Void Ring, and tie it instead to a concept of Fate, then you allow Heroes (and Villains) to be more important. Your average NPC will have a Void Ring, but unless they are destined to be capable of something one day, why would they have Fate? You start every session with a point of Fate, and can retain up to your School Rank, or alternatively start with half your School Rank in Fate points rounded up with no cap.