22 minutes ago, AK_Aramis said:your quote from 4th also states it is external. It's an internal assessment of an external standard.
Bad form, pan.
Where do you get that ?
1 hour ago, tenchi2a said:L5R rpg 4th ed Page 90
Honor Primarily reflects how an individual samurai rates his personal ability to adhere to the tenets of Bushido and fulfill the duties assigned to him by his lord. While Honor is primarily internal , there is an external component to it as well, as a samurai's Honor greatly impacts how one carries himself and thus others perceive him.So you are wrong on Honor not being internal.
Gory on the other hand is very much external.
The paragraph only states that because of how the samurai feels about himself (internal) he can carry himself a certain way that others can notice. That is why this perception can be changes by the Perceived Honor advantage.
you really have to have a planet wide stretch of the imagination to get that in anyway is saying Honor is external.
Edited by tenchi2a