Job Boards

By TheFunkBlaster, in Game Masters

You can use this:

Jobs are generated by the same rules. Difference is, you choose a starting region rather than planet. You can then use the generated job for any planet in that region

It still lacks a bit in diversity of the transported goods, if you have any ideas, let me know ;)

45 minutes ago, MasterZelgadis said:

You can use this:

Jobs are generated by the same rules. Difference is, you choose a starting region rather than planet. You can then use the generated job for any planet in that region

It still lacks a bit in diversity of the transported goods, if you have any ideas, let me know ;)

Thank you, I’ll ask my players for some ideas on what they’d like to ship and get back to you

Just for grins, there absolutely MUST be a listing for black market beagles.


6 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Just for grins, there absolutely MUST be a listing for black market beagles.


I'm not sure whether I know what you mean with this ^^

6 hours ago, MasterZelgadis said:

I'm not sure whether I know what you mean with this ^^

An episode of Firefly opens with the crew finishing a job of smuggling cattle, and commenting on the smell and how they filled the cargo hold. Wash, the pilot, says that they should look into smuggling black market beagles.

3 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

An episode of Firefly opens with the crew finishing a job of smuggling cattle, and commenting on the smell and how they filled the cargo hold. Wash, the pilot, says that they should look into smuggling black market beagles.

Totally missed that, have to watch the series again ^^

And another great step forward. Users are now entered into the star wars job board database immediately after registration and have access to the new User control panel. There they can create a group or accept invitations from other groups. When you create a group you are the game master and can invite other users who aren't already part of a group. For now every user can only be member of 1 group (and I plan on keeping that this way for the sake of simplicity).

I have disabled registration for now to prevent a flood of new users and groups before I have done some testing, but to keep yout mouths wet here are some screenies of the work in progress ;)


User without any group, was invited to group with name "Spielergruppe" by Testuser4


User accepted the invitation and now sees the group overview


And now the user is game master of the group, he can now remove players from the group, make another player gm or invite new users. Sadly, there are no more Testusers to invite, so the dropdown box shows no more users

And another feature is implemented. When you confirm a freight job, it is transfered to your "scratchpad", or "loading area". From there you can transfer it to your cargo bay to actually transport the cargo, if you have enough cargo space left.

Items in the loading area are limited to double the encumbrance capacity of your ship to prevent players/gm from confirming just every available job


Another update, registration still blocked, due to a major reconstruction of how the whole process works. I had all stuff rgarding the player ship directly in the group table. But what if a group has multiple ships? Or no ship at all? So everything (including the job processing by npc groups) is now working with multiple ships per group and also using the cargo space of the different ships (rather than just marking the job, that group xy is processing it).

Also introduced group ships under nsc control, for example when you hire a ship to do transport jobs for you or you have a base (spoiler, work in progress ;) ) and attach a ship to that base to generate income..

I think when you are able to process a whole job (confirm a job (check), load the containers into your ship (check) and then mark the job as done (not yet)) I will enable registration for your groups to use it.

Still on my list for the jobs page:
- Illegal jobs (are already generated, but not shown in the "official" bulletin board, need some kind of black market board you have to get access to first)
- Bounty hunting jobs
- Passenger / Ferry jobs
- Job generation based on planet production and imports rather than complete random
- Job generation based on active groups registered (or some other kind of scaling)
Still on my list for the "living galaxy":
- Groups can create player bases
- Groups can hire NPC ships and assign them to their base to work automated
- Random events like imperial blockades, rebel assaults and space battles (to give some events groups can use in their stories)
...and much other stuff I don't even know about :D

Here are some screenshots of the new ships page and job page


NPC contolled ship belonging to the group. Can't do cargo operations here, they are...yeah...automated ;)

