Because I most certainly do.
Feels a lot like the best of both worlds to me. We get regular releases to mix things up, but for me the wait between them builds excitement rather than boredom. Having never properly played one of these games before I can imagine there being one seriously tedious lead time when you buy your pack, see nothing for your clan then go about your business for another month or so.
I can see why people weren’t happy with the speed with which the first cycle followed the Core(although I’m personally quite happy about it), but how do we feel about the general model? I for one certainly hopes that it can be the new normal to have say, 1 cycle in 6 weeks, then a 6 month gap then a cycle in 6 weeks. Feels good man. And a longer lead time in between sets would be a necessary evil I imagine to make sure that the quality stays consistent in terms of design and balance, and also those awesome stories the packs ocme with!
Now granted, that may be more than can be realistically handled but speaking purely as a consumer, the 6 week frame feels like a great hybrid of the LCG model and the TCG one.
How would you feel if they decided to release cycle 2 in a matter of weeks rather than months?