We had an interesting fight going where one U-Wing and a rebel trooper landed on Ord Mantel under Chirrut Imwe command. The Empire had a tie fighter in space, and a stormtrooper and a shield bunker on the planet. He brought-in Darth Vador for this fight, then I played Chirrut Imwe action card to remove two points of unit in the system, effectively killing the tie fighter and the stormtrooper before the start of the fight, and leaving the shield bunker by himself.
During the first tactical card step, I played Confrontation, and he played Armored Position.
Shield bunker not being able to do any damage, we assumed it was the same situation as a rebel transport during a space battle, i.e. it would be destroyed at the end of the retreat space.
#1 Is it the right assumption, or should we have run multiple combat rounds until all three red damages were done to the bunker?
#2 if our assumption of handling shield bunker like a transport was right, is that loss still a win for the Confrontation card, sealing the fate of Darth Vador?
We ended deciding on a compromise where #1 was true and #2 false, but we are not sure if we messed up here...