Using mortar to target an impassable terrain space

By MAZZA, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hello, my friends and I were unsure of whether the Imperial Player could use a mortar in a red bordered space (Impassable terrain). The space in question was on Canyon Run's map where the IA player counted three spaces from a Trandoshan into a red space that was adjacent to a few rebels and proceeded to mortar it. The rules reference states the following below however I'm still unsure because thematically it should be able to but I'll let the pro's let me know. Thanks.

Blocking Terrain Blocking terrain is represented by a solid red line surrounding a space of the map. Figures cannot enter, be pushed into, count spaces through , or trace line of sight through blocking terrain. • Sometimes blocking terrain is only on one edge of a space. Figures cannot move through or be pushed through this edge. Large figures cannot move onto, be pushed through, or be placed on a blocking edge unless they have a special ability that allows this, such as Massive or Mobile.

Related Topics: Massive, Mobile, Movement, Line of Sight, Place, Push, Terrain

You cannot draw line of sight or count spaces into or through blocking terrain (continuous red).

Impassable terrain does not affect counting spaces or line of sight. It only prevents figures from moving (or being pushed) into or through, unless they have Massive or Mobile.

So, which one was it?

Mortar cannot choose a space that is blocking terrain.

Edited by a1bert

I'll try and get a pic of the tile and add the minis in place to show what was done. Thanks

If a mobile Diala is sitting on a square bordered entirely with solid red (with surrounding rebels) you can attack her with ranged or melee weapons, but can you Mortar that square? I think yes, but I am not sure if the surrounding figures would take the damage as well.

What if it was a Probe Droid... I know the probe droid is considered adjacent for the purposes of incoming melee attacks, but would it be considered adjacent to the surrounding rebels for Mortar? Or for the probe droid's own self destruct?

As far as the current knowledge:

No. A figure on a space with blocking terrain only makes that figure valid for counting spaces, line of sight, and adjacency. Figure on the space doesn't affect the space itself.

Mortar chooses a space, you can never choose a space with blocking terrain.

Self-Destruct doesn't check for adjacent spaces, it checks for adjacent figures and objects, so Self-Destructing in a blocking space will damage figures and objects adjacent to the Probe Droid.

Edited by a1bert