A Night at Tosche Station mini-adventure conversion

By Kainrath, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I just finished converting this mini-adventure for use with FFG's wonderful system.
I would love your feedback, especially in regards to the XP rewards...

A Night at Tosche Station

neatly done! Will borrow some of the elements for sure. Thank you!!!

I think the XP rewards are a little on the generous side, especially if the PCs manage to stack several rewards together. 34 XP is a lot, especially for a short adventure. Realistically, the PCs are unlikely to keep the station from any collateral damage, and will probably end up killing one or more patrons, but still...

That being said, XP rewards are very subjective. I think most GMs would be perfectly willing to take your guidelines under advisement and provide XP in accordance with their normal methods. So don't sweat it, and nice job on the conversion!

20 hours ago, SFC Snuffy said:

I think the XP rewards are a little on the generous side, especially if the PCs manage to stack several rewards together. 34 XP is a lot, especially for a short adventure. Realistically, the PCs are unlikely to keep the station from any collateral damage, and will probably end up killing one or more patrons, but still...

That being said, XP rewards are very subjective. I think most GMs would be perfectly willing to take your guidelines under advisement and provide XP in accordance with their normal methods. So don't sweat it, and nice job on the conversion!

Thanks for the input!

This looks gorgeous, nice work! Now, to read it....

I looked at the original adventure, because I thought the most helpful thing to have would be a map. I see there is one that "shipped" with the original adventure, but it's one which is designed with SWd20's grids in mind, and certainly shows its age (in terms of computer art quality). So, if you could create one, creating your own map would be really nice, since everything is going to take place inside the Station. Because the original map was designed to work with SDd20's grids, it's pretty uninteresting - there's no real "terrain" beyond the bar, I guess, to the southeast.

Other "objective" stuff:

-I would make it a little clearer that most of the text is lifted directly from the original free adventure.

-There's a typo in the Verzon Trennd statblock intro where "PCs" is spelled "PCx." In the Sandtrooper section, the black dice removed for hot conditions is still spelled "bb" and the Sgt's is described as being "high temp" but doesn't mention reducing black dice. The Sgt's skill pools are still regular letters, too. Is Fixer also Laze Loneozner? It says so in the sidebar on p6 but nowhere else in the text, and it doesn't say so in the original adventure. Erkwil is described in the text and the original as "Erkwill the Pacithhip" who are goofy pachydermoids, but his stats say he's an Arcona. Also, planting drugs on a PC should be Skullduggery, not Stealth.

-I gather this is an introductory adventure. I am concerned about the difficulty level, considering the opposition. First, I'd say that there is either the Sergeant plus Sandtroopers equal to the PCs, or equal to the PCs - 1. I would also create a set of basic PCs (so, not combat optimized, and wielding weapons that won't get the troopers immediately have the troopers all over them), and see how often then can win, and then adjust the fight difficulty.

-Related to it being an introductory adventure: come up with some explicit conditions for the PCs to get blue and black dice for doing stuff, so everyone gets use to blue and black dice being added to pools a lot. Add some explicit hooks for when the GM should use flip Destiny points (see below). Consider some conditions in which the PCs might suffer from some strain (the EotE book has an example where the PCs suffer several points of strain for walking over distances on Tatooine in the sun - I'd think trying to tough it out in an epic sandstorm would count).

-Delete the Extra Reloads from the Sandtroopers' inventories. In SWd20, that makes total sense, but it's not so good in this game because it allows them to use a maneuver to reload their weapons after rolling a Despair, which would totally undercut the drama (and tactical interest) of them doing so. I'd consider swapping Membe's blaster pistol to one which doesn't have Autofire. That's a pretty nice toy to fall into the PC's hands in the first adventure.

-Add a section in the "Sorry About the Mess" section about how to handle initiative in a more-than-two-teams fight like this in this system, because a new GM will be confused. Also, I would add better information on the Sandtroopers' tactics. In SWd20, it made sense (sorta) for them to stand stock still, shooting their blasters, but if you describe them not taking cover or moving (when it's more or less free to do so), it makes them look weird and the players might get confused and think you are trying to show them a "tell" when you arn't.

-Definite "no collateral damage" and "no patrons killed" in the XP section. Is "collateral damage" caused by any missed shot? Or only if the weapons with the Blast characteristic are used? Only if Blast is activated? What if the PCs do stuff that damages the facilities, like tip over a table to use it as a barrier? Who are the patrons? Everyone but the Sandtroopers? Or only the Anchorhead Citizens? I would suggest either defining those more in the write up. For the patrons, you could just rewrite the section introducing the characters as "the following patrons are in Tosche station...". No matter what, I wouldn't give the PCs increments of 2 XPs, because you can only spend XP in increments of 5.

-Since XP is generally not itemized, I would not give the PCs XP explicitly for defeating the Sandtroopers. I would just give them like 15 overall, plus 5 if they (as a group) did a good job interacting with the NPCs, didn't gratuitiously wreck stuff in Tosche station, etc, and have characters with the appropriate Duties get points for retrieving the blaster rifles.

-The Jawas do not have listed stats. That's fine, except they're going to try to search the PCs, who are going to try to prevent them from going so. So, they'll need Subterfuge (to try to search them), Discipline (to resist the inevitable intimidation attempts), maybe Stealth and Cool.

-The flow of the adventure is: intro, enter Tosche Station & talk to people, Sandtroopers arrive, tension escalates as Ezrim starts interrogating PCs, commlink implicates PCs, fight, with the fight possibly coming earlier. I'd move the "Sorry About the Mess Section" to after the "The Distress Call" since a fight always breaks out that that point. Add a sentence in "A night to remember" and "Sandtroopers" saying "Turn to Sorry About the Mess if someone starts a fight now."

Subjective stuff

-I think you should explicitly say if the adventure takes place after Luke leaves Tatooine, because it's pretty much guaranteed that a player is going to make endless jokes about Luke if you put him in his crappy teen hangout.

-This adventure has some railroad tracks. That's ok, in fact it has one of the better justifications for railroad tracks I've seen, but I think there's some stuff which moderately clever players are going to get into territory which isn't covered by the text as written.

-In particular, it guarantees that the PCs are stuck in a fight with the Sandtroopers (no consideration is given to the PCs escaping, etc). I would add some considerations for how to deal with the situation if the PCs can come up with some kind of other idea.

-What happens if the PCs attempt to socialize with the Sandtroopers? I mean, it would definitely require a successful opposed Discipline roll, that's probably something like a Red, two Purples and Black dice equal to the number of minions (i.e. a Charm test vs the Sgt's Discipline, reinforced by the extra troopers). That's hard, but it's not impossible with a Socially oriented character. In the original adventure, it just says "you can't use most social skills on them," but that's not an acceptable answer in this game.

-The Sandtroopers are written as behaving rather peculiarly - taking shelter, being verbally aggressive, then silent, not seeming to be tired when they've been defeated by a storm they specifically wear gear to avoid being defeated by, and then taking up positions like they expect a fight. I worry that the typically group of players is going assume the Sandtroopers are after either them or someone else in particular (see below).

-The sidebar says there's a Klatooinian, Nikto and Ishi Tib who are not statted up, along with the various humans. What happens when a Klatooinian or Ishi Tib PC shows up and wants to talk to them? I don't have an answer here, but I'd think about it.

-Why does Vorzen Trennd take your side? Especially when you're losing? And especially if he won't talk to you beforehand? (I know the answer is that it's way to have another blaster on your side of the line if you're losing, but it doesn't make much sense and the PCs will probably think he's a Rebel operative or something).


-The Sandtroopers are kitted out in special Sandtrooper gear, but apparently felt they needed to take shelter, but not actually rest. They are also carrying weapons for fighting outside in an environment without trees, etc, so they are carrying larger, longer range weapons (your stats reflect this). I'd have them, at minimum, suffer a Black die to all Athletics, Coordination, and maybe Range Heavy checks because their armor joints are full of sand and their weapons are too big for close quarters.

-Since it's not 2001 any more, I'd consider swapping some of the minor characters (Vorzen, Erkwil, etc) to being women.

-I don't particularly like the "oops, you got screwed by forgetting to turn off your commlink" mechanic. I'd rather uses SWRPG's narrative mechanics to, basically, wait until the GM has a Destiny Point to flip or the PCs get a Despair on a social skills check to pull that particular grenade. If you were to change this, though, it just means there's a big thump outside at some point as the ship crashes, and things start happening. Do the Sandtroopers go to investigate? Do they let someone else? It's unlikely to prevent the adventure from ending with a fight, but might make it take place outside, blundering around in the sand. (This is a significant departure from the original, and I totally understand not wanting to change the adventure that much)

Thanks KRGW! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write up that critique! I'm fixing the typo errors now and thinking through the many suggestions you made...