Sorcery Clarification

By RhunDraco, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am of the thought that Sorcery can be used with any attack that the hero with Sorcery can make (including melee if there is an ability, skill, feat, or magic item that grants it), hence the Sorcerous Orb, Scythe of Reaping and Magic Bow being ranged weapons rather than magic weapons (their "enchantment" is what allows use of Sorcery). Some in my group argue that Sorcery can only be used with magic attacks and that the cards must be misprints but I can't seem to find anything that says one way or the other.

Am I wrong?

Nothing prevents Sorcery from being used with any attack type.

Antistone said:

Nothing prevents Sorcery from being used with any attack type.

As I thought. Thanks!

RhunDraco said:

I am of the thought that Sorcery can be used with any attack that the hero with Sorcery can make (including melee if there is an ability, skill, feat, or magic item that grants it), hence the Sorcerous Orb, Scythe of Reaping and Magic Bow being ranged weapons rather than magic weapons (their "enchantment" is what allows use of Sorcery). Some in my group argue that Sorcery can only be used with magic attacks and that the cards must be misprints but I can't seem to find anything that says one way or the other.

Am I wrong?

The people in your group need to go read the core rulebook again

Sorcery: After making an attack roll , a figure with Sorcery may add 1 to either its range or damage for each rank of Sorcery it has. A figure with multiple ranks of Sorcery may split this bonus between range and damage.

No where does it day it has to be a Magic attack, or a Ranged attack, or a Melee attack. Its an attack .

The cards are not misprints. Saying that Sorcery can only be used with Magic attack smacks of being a thematic argument.

Big Remy said:

RhunDraco said:

I am of the thought that Sorcery can be used with any attack that the hero with Sorcery can make (including melee if there is an ability, skill, feat, or magic item that grants it), hence the Sorcerous Orb, Scythe of Reaping and Magic Bow being ranged weapons rather than magic weapons (their "enchantment" is what allows use of Sorcery). Some in my group argue that Sorcery can only be used with magic attacks and that the cards must be misprints but I can't seem to find anything that says one way or the other.

Am I wrong?

The people in your group need to go read the core rulebook again

Sorcery: After making an attack roll , a figure with Sorcery may add 1 to either its range or damage for each rank of Sorcery it has. A figure with multiple ranks of Sorcery may split this bonus between range and damage.

No where does it day it has to be a Magic attack, or a Ranged attack, or a Melee attack. Its an attack .

The cards are not misprints. Saying that Sorcery can only be used with Magic attack smacks of being a thematic argument.


Just picture the bow from that old Dungeons & Dragon cartoon. It was a "Ranged Attack" that used "Sorcery"...


shnar said:

Just picture the bow from that old Dungeons & Dragon cartoon. It was a "Ranged Attack" that used "Sorcery"...


Dude, nice spin on the way back machine. That cartoon was awesome.

Hehehe, love the classics ;)


shnar said:

Hehehe, love the classics ;)


Indeed. I loved that cartoon, and it's a great way to think about the sorcerous ranged weapons.