There was this leak recently, and it made us here thinking...
QuoteMountaintop Statuary
Dragon Clan. Holding. +1 Strenght.
Reaction: After this holding is turned faceup - move it onto your stronghold province.
Action: During a conflict at this province, sacrifice this holding. Choose an attacking character with printed cost 2 or lower - move that character home.
Ok. So, when a Holding is revealed in any of the "normal" provinces, it stays there until the player discard it (or the province get broken, when the player is forced to discar faceup cards on it). With this, there's no way to have 2 or more holdings placed on the same province.
Then, the Reaction on "Mountaintop Statuary" allows me to put it on my Stronghold province. It doesn't says "as an attachment" or "attach to your stronghold" . So I think "Statuary" stays there like in any "normal" province... But isn't the Stronghold already there? And if I already have a Statuary there, can I attach another one, for an additional +1 Strenght and two uses of its Actions?
There was any rule about more than one Holding on a province? Could it be that Statuary should be worded "attach it to your Stronghold" or something like that?
Edited by Arkano