Aliana with Ambush Predator

By Darthain, in Runewars Tactics

Nothing I've ever brought to the table has inspired more fear. For surgical strikes she's the bees knees.

Last game, she just ran in and one shot Ardus, round 4, much to my opponents dismay.

As far as melee heroes go, I think she is hands above the best. Her mobility is insane so you are pretty much guaranteed that flanking die. So despite not having a multiplier 3-4 dice with a reroll and an MS, and some surge liquification. She performs pretty solid.

The problem is, ambush predator is so much better than wildcall's instinct, for a point, I don't know why I'd take the other.

How has your experience with her been. In 5 games I've not lost her, and have sown carnage in my wake.

So I have not yet played with or against her, but it seems to me that the extra options from wildcall's instinct look great! Anyone that's player Echo in x-wing knows how crazy the repositioning effect of the curved shift can be, and it also has an interesting effect with her dial - she can customize the initiative at which she acts. To do a 2-speed turning advance for example, she can dial in the initiative 3 advance-2 and treat it as a turn, or she can dial in the initiative 4 advance-3 with the - 1 speed turn modifier.

On any given turn, she'll have so many reasonable moves as to be completely unpredictable.

Unless she gets shot to death.

I love Aliana. Combo Ambush with Packmaster and that giant unit of monsters suddenly doesn't look so scary. The problem is making sure you don't overreach with her, which I'm still sometimes doing as a novice. But yes, fantastic character.

2 hours ago, Urvogel said:

I love Aliana. Combo Ambush with Packmaster and that giant unit of monsters suddenly doesn't look so scary. The problem is making sure you don't overreach with her, which I'm still sometimes doing as a novice. But yes, fantastic character.

Packleader spear is great if you have 8 points, it is just all you are suffering 8+ms, and I haven't even rolled yet.

Ambush Predator is great, yes.

But it works against Packleader's Spear -- with the spear, the more you charge new units, the more utility you get out of those 8 points. And Wildcall's Instinct helps you set up charges that would be tricky without it.

It's two different approaches to Aliana, is all. You either go for a mid-to-late game whammy, or you sweep through multiple smaller units over the course of the game. They're both good options, which is why she's such a beast.

The thing that personally kills me is that she's also so good as a character upgrade. I want to clone her.

Agreed, Aliana truly is a heavy hitter, but I agree you still need to pick your battles and she is best exploiting vulnerable units, not picking a fight with the biggest unit out there.

I too have stapled Ambush Predator to her card, however I do think some players waste her potential being enticed by the “lethal turn X” perk of AP. If the best play is for you to maneuver until turn 4 for you to get into position and exploit the flank of your enemy, and then sequentially roll up enemy units over the next 4 turns, awesome. But going in with the mindset “I could charge into his flank this turn, but if I wait another turn or two, I’ll hit REALLY hard” I think is handicapping her output for the whole game. I view the lethal X as a nice bonus IF you end up waiting to engage because that’s the best move.

It’s unmultiplied additional damage, good, not great. Take advantage of your ranged invulnerability. If the best play is to charge on turn 2, DO IT! And enjoy the next 6 rounds of potential combat.

Yeah, the lethal is just a bonus imo. As far as packleader spear, don't generally use that pricy thing. But I don't wait for a big lethal stack so when I've used both it worked just fine.