
By G.Prep, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We run into a question durion our game:

2 Questions actualy.

1: A demon was in a corridor that only him can fit, a portal its right in front of him and he only got 3 of movement. Can he stop over the Glyph and atack and them return to the original position?

2: In another situation, a Warrior carring a sword was affected with web. In his turn he wanted to give the sword to another player. Then a series of questions were raised. Can he drop the Sword while affected by Web? Assuming he does, an since the sword will drop on his feet, can other player stop on top of him, catch the sword and continue to move ?

1) If the Glyph hasn't been activated yet, then yes. Once a Glyph is activated, a monster cannot end its movement on the glyph.

2) If a Hero drops *anything* that "thing" is out of the game, simply removed (I guess it falls through the cracks of the dungeon floor ;) ). In order for the hero to give the sword to another hero, he has to spend 1 Movement Point to give that sword. If he's webbed, he cannot spend any movement points, and so cannot give the sword away.


A moster cannot end its movement on the (activated) glyph, but does that really mean it can't pause atop the glyph to make an attack, assuming it moves off the glyph after the attack?

+1 for Shnar's answers.

The demon is not allowed to end his movement on an activated glyph. This means you can't deliberately move the demon such that he would run out of MPs on top of said glyph. There's no "oops I ran out of MPs!" escape clause here. The good news is a demon's attack is Magic (iirc) so you can make a ranged attack from the far side of the glyph, provided of course nothing else is blocking LoS to your target.

If the demon only needs to take one step forward, attack and then step back he would be legal. I think we're assuming you want to take two steps forward as that would be where the problem arises.

As Shnar points out, anything that gets dropped in the dungeon is destroyed (except relics), so although your webbed hero could drop the sword (which is free), no one would be able to pick it up because there's nothing to pick up. Think of Descent like a video game rather than an RPG, it makes (slightly) more sense that way.

The OP says Can he stop over the Glyph and atack and them return to the original position? (emphasis added)

This certainly seems to be saying the monster would move off of the glyph again after the attack.

My bad, missed that part of the OP. Yes, any monster can move ontop of an activated glyph, they simply cannot end their movement there. So move on a glyph, attack, and move off is perfectly legal.


Also, I believe that portals are something special in the extended campaign that is completely different from a glyph , so you may want to avoid confusing those terms.