Which success to cancel?

By HuwBacca, in WFRP Rules Questions

What happens when you have multiple differing types of success symbols rolled on a check (hammer with delay...hammer with exertion...hammer with righteous success) coupled with normal hammer results on the blue dice. Which gets cancelled first by challenge dice? Do the regular hammers on the blue dice get cancelled out first, or do you cancel out the more unique success symbols portrayed on the other dice mentioned? Who decides which dice get to go and which to keep?

Count everything separately. Let's say you've rolled:

Dice 1: Hammer + Delay

Dice 2: Hammer + Exertion

Dice 3: Hammer

Dice 4: Double challenge


That means you have: 3x hammer, 1x delay, 1x exertion, 2x challenge. Final result to resolve is 1x hammer, 1x delay, 1x exertion

Another thing is... Players RARELY roll green and red dice together (opposite to some creatures which have it by default). There has to be some weird effect in play :)

Thanks PadreBoniface!

So just to clarify and to make sure I'm doing it right, what you are saying is that challenge symbols cancel the hammer on a dice, not the dice itself, if there is another symbol present on the dice in addition to the hammer (such as hammer and delay)

e.g...I roll one conservative dice and one challenge dice. The results I have are one challenge symbol on the challenge dice, and one hammer and delay on the conservative dice. The challenge symbol cancels the hammer but the delay remains and is the final result of that roll.

Correct ;)

Haha...thanks man! :D