Greetings L5R Testers!
This week, our discussion topic is School Abilities! You also have a new one to discuss based on last week's poll results: Way of the Dragon, the school ability of the Mirumoto Two Sword School, which can be found in the special preview here .
A few questions to get you started:
• How many school abilities have you tried at the table? Which ones have you found the most fun to use?
• Are there any school abilities you have had trouble making use of at the table? What do you think stood in the way of their usability?
• Are there any school abilities you feel are so strong they crowd out other options (or so weak they get crowded out by better alternatives)? If so, why?
• Finally, if you have any other feedback on schools (skills and techniques at various ranks, starting equipment, ring allocations, names, etc), feel free to bring it up here!