[+] cards on FLU?

By porsh111, in StarCraft

Lets say defiler attacks archon. Defiler is front line unit.

Zerg plays burrow and plague. Is this by the rules?

Basicly the same thing is with Sarah Kerrigan. Can she be front line and playing [+] supporting card "psionic storm".

Can Sarah Kerrigan be supporting/assist unit with [+] "psionic storm" ? like High Templar?

sure can. thats a common tactic with defiler :-)

Yes, it's completely legal.

BTW: Note that some cards contain "Specialty Support Icon" which allows (and only it allows) to use them ALSO if printed unit is set as a supporting unit. Usually, all text abilities of cards can be executed only if printed units are FLU.

porsh111 said:

Lets say defiler attacks archon. Defiler is front line unit.

Zerg plays burrow and plague. Is this by the rules?

Basicly the same thing is with Sarah Kerrigan. Can she be front line and playing [+] supporting card "psionic storm".

Can Sarah Kerrigan be supporting/assist unit with [+] "psionic storm" ? like High Templar?

The Semantics are quite important in SCBG as it has very well defined meanings:

Sarah can never be an Assist Unit (special unit type)

but she can be both Front Line Unit and Supporting unit (front or back line in combat)

and all skirmishes can play 1 Reinforcement card [+]
