Most card games, especially Magic but also other LCGs, have very little decision making beyond creating decks once you understand the game and the meta. You usually have clearly optimal plays to make, so does your opponent, and you find yourself predicting that "If I draw card X before they draw card Y, I will win. Otherwise, they will win." Every turn becomes an exercise in filling time until one of those cards is drawn, with the very rare game where neither win condition is drawn and play decisions are able to decide the game. Game of Thrones with it's constant board wipes has become a poster boy for this, for example. If you are knowledgeable enough about the game, you compound perfect knowledge of your deck with a 90% plus knowledge of their deck, and the game feels like it's on autopilot.
Playing 3 core, I found a great amount of fun in that you decided the game 99% of the time based on the decisions you made with your cards, because little could be done that affected the board state too dramatically with a single card or 2 card combo. Unfortunately, I am finding that the more cards are out the less this is true. It's extremely annoying when you set up a game, play it, and find that you never really had any decisions to make because they simply out-drew the holy **** out of you. More cards are providing more opportunities. Yes, I realize that there aren't any straight up game-over combos but if you didn't draw equally well it's just the long road through purgatory rather than straight to the fires. Are you coming back from a 7 fate, 6 honor deficit? No, you really aren't, and taking another 20 minutes for that to play out is just a waste of time.
Is it just me? Is it just something to accept, and move on to another game? Combo-licious top decking annoys me, and the more non-interactive (or virtually so) crap that comes up the more irritating it becomes. I realize this is something that others may enjoy, but I am not one of them and I feel like if this trend continues to escalate over the next few packs I might be cashing in and calling it already.
Flame on, I feel like this post is begging for it, but if you have some insight I am missing I would appreciate it if you would share.