Do you go with huge brute units?
Do you go with a brute and several support units (balanced)?
Do you go with all smalls (MSU)?
I'm so undecided right now and I don't get enough games in ...
Do you go with huge brute units?
Do you go with a brute and several support units (balanced)?
Do you go with all smalls (MSU)?
I'm so undecided right now and I don't get enough games in ...
My sort of default is Slurm Team 6.
I feel the same way! I mean, except for the fact that I haven't actually purchased any Death Knights yet. I see myself picking up 2 boxes in the near future. But the Infantry Command upgrades just add so much flexibility to army building.
But I just barely jumped from 6 trays to 12 trays of Reanimates, and there are so many possibilities just with those 12 trays! I think the two I want to try most are 1) 2x2 with Maro supporting a 3x2 that keeps getting regenerated, and 2) a big 12-tray unit led by Ardus Ix'Erebus, and supported by some Reanimate Archers.
But my favorite Champion figure right now is Mistlands Saboteur. I know he can get sniped out pretty easily, but he's a really effective way of dealing with some major threats, like 4x1 Oathsworn with Ranked Discipline, and their leader, Lord Hawthorne with Might of Daqan and Shield of Margath: "Oh, I'm sorry, was that your shield? Oops
12 minutes ago, Parakitor said:
But I just barely jumped from 6 trays to 12 trays of Reanimates, and there are so many possibilities just with those 12 trays! I think the two I want to try most are 1) 2x2 with Maro supporting a 3x2 that keeps getting regenerated, and 2) a big 12-tray unit led by Ardus Ix'Erebus, and supported by some Reanimate Archers.
But my favorite Champion figure right now is Mistlands Saboteur.
2x2 supporting a 3x2 is amazing! I always pair that up with a 2x1 of archers so I have the option of what I want to regenerate..
And Mistlands Saboteur is so much fun! I throw several figure upgrades into the 3x2 so that even if my opponent snipes a figure, they have to decide which one. Plus, the additional hp added by inserting a few figure upgrades means that lingering dead continues to go off long into the game since they can't collapse the remaining trays without picking off some high hp figures in each tray.
I picked up enough DK to run 2 2x2 units, and have a list with them that I need to field some time. I also want to try SlurmTeam6 or a brute of a 4x3 reanimate block, soooo many lists.
Moment of Inspiration is super popular here, so I’ve been running Mistlands Saboteur if I run reanimates. It really helps to shiv upgrades.
Here's one of the potential lists.... mainly to just try out some big units.
# of Trays: 12 ( 64 points)
- Necromancer ( 3 points)
- Front Line Carrion Lancer ( 5 points)
- Blighted Vexillum Bearer ( 3 points)
- Lingering Dead ( 3 points)
total unit cost
Death Knights
# of Trays: 4 ( 42 points)
- Rank Discipline ( 4 points)
total unit cost
Carrion Lancer
# of Trays: 6 ( 68 points)
- Wind Rune ( 6 points)
- Simultaneous Orders ( 2 points)
total unit cost
26 minutes ago, Aetheriac said:Here's one of the potential lists.... mainly to just try out some big units.
List Name: Brutes
Faction: Waiqar
Points: 200/200Reanimates
# of Trays: 12 ( 64 points)
- Necromancer ( 3 points)
- Front Line Carrion Lancer ( 5 points)
- Blighted Vexillum Bearer ( 3 points)
- Lingering Dead ( 3 points)
= 78 total unit costDeath Knights
# of Trays: 4 ( 42 points)
- Rank Discipline ( 4 points)
= 46 total unit costCarrion Lancer
# of Trays: 6 ( 68 points)
- Wind Rune ( 6 points)
- Simultaneous Orders ( 2 points)
= 76 total unit cost
I'm a little confused by your Carrion Lancer unit. It's built to stay at a distance and blight any opponents not engaged in melee combat, but It's a 6 tray unit with massive damage potential. Is there something you can do with it that would be more offensive? I'm just worried that once your other units are engaged, your Carrion Lancers will be left twiddling their thumbs. Or maybe you have a particular strategy in mind I am unaware of...?
The other two units are absolutely solid, and I would love to run those.
1 minute ago, Parakitor said:I'm a little confused by your Carrion Lancer unit. It's built to stay at a distance and blight any opponents not engaged in melee combat, but It's a 6 tray unit with massive damage potential. Is there something you can do with it that would be more offensive? I'm just worried that once your other units are engaged, your Carrion Lancers will be left twiddling their thumbs. Or maybe you have a particular strategy in mind I am unaware of...?
The other two units are absolutely solid, and I would love to run those.
The basic plan was to be mobile enough to maybe hit a flank unexpectedly.
Just now, Aetheriac said:The basic plan was to be mobile enough to maybe hit a flank unexpectedly.
Ah, good point. I don't know why that didn't occur to me. I think to straight forward, I suppose. I don't use Wind Rune very often, though I know it is powerful.
Just now, Parakitor said:Ah, good point. I don't know why that didn't occur to me. I think to straight forward, I suppose. I don't use Wind Rune very often, though I know it is powerful.
I have yet to use it, nor anything like this list. I've fielded a 2x3 DK unit to pretty good use... they soak a ton of damage.
I've tried out the 6x Carrion Lances with Combat Ingenuity and Master Crafted weapons, along with some support units. I've also played with some MSU builds, but found that the 2x1 Carrion Lancers and Deathknights had trouble reaching opponents intact.
My new build after lots of testing:
Six units, complete with some range power, speedbumps/blight generation, and two melee hammers.