Bayushi Yojiro, the honest Scorpion

By ayedubbleyoo, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So since this guy is the biggest new Scorpion character so far, how is everyone finding him?

Is it a case of play him against decks that have a lot of self-honouring and discard him against anything else? I guess he is also strong military which can help sometimes.

Biggest downside seems to be he's not a courtier, which makes deciding who to take out of the deck a little more tricky.

Any thoughts - have people been using him, and who has been making way?

Personally, I find him pretty useless. His ability is too situational, and not useful enough for a 3 cost. The 3 military isn't enough to justify me putting him in my deck.

He's a nice Charge! Target. Most of the other 3 or 4 cost characters I want sticking around.

The ability is meh, but 3 military for 1 cost (with Charge) is solid in Scorpion.

Maybe 2 copies or him at the most. If you don't run charge....meh.

10 minutes ago, nungunz said:

He's a nice Charge! Target. Most of the other 3 or 4 cost characters I want sticking around.

The ability is meh, but 3 military for 1 cost (with Charge) is solid in Scorpion.

Maybe 2 copies or him at the most. If you don't run charge....meh.

I run 3 of him as I find him awesome in keeping my MIL balanced out with POL skill. He is also a 2 glory character which for Scorpion is surprising. He is also good to leave out of conflicts standing to help gain the Imperial Favour. I find him far more useful than Shosuro Actress to be honest.

I hung him in Traitor's Grove

He is anti-Lion / anti-Crane meta. If you have issues with those clans, play 1 or 2 of him and pitch him against everyone else unless you are in a pinch.

Its good that he has MIL, something Scorpion don't always have - but 3 cost for 3/1 isn't the best. If you're ahead of your opponent as Scorpion then you probably don't need his ability, but in some situations its powerful. If you like him, and especially if you play against Lion / Crane / Phoenix a lot put him in your deck along with charge. If you run into a conflict where you've got a strong, honored character running you down charge him into the conflict. If you don't need to charge him in, you can decide to keep him around in case you need to charge him in - or cycle him and buy something better.

Edited by Soshi Nimue
2 hours ago, cforfar said:

I run 3 of him as I find him awesome in keeping my MIL balanced out with POL skill. He is also a 2 glory character which for Scorpion is surprising. He is also good to leave out of conflicts standing to help gain the Imperial Favour. I find him far more useful than Shosuro Actress to be honest.

Except that glory 2 doesn't mean jack because will never get the strength bonus (unless you play cloud the mind on him). It does help to keep him standing, I guess......but why pay 3 just for that?

He has his place when you dishonor a bunch or your own in a character (or against Crane/Lion/Phoenix).....but unless you are in a conflict Yunako or Miyako, most likely you will have him in a political conflict where he doesn't do much except for the ability.

Hard to justify a spot just to turn off some status tokens, getting him to both hurt your opponent and and/or help you appears to me to be more about luck than anything else.

1 hour ago, nungunz said:

Except that glory 2 doesn't mean jack because will never get the strength bonus (unless you play cloud the mind on him). It does help to keep him standing, I guess......but why pay 3 just for that?

He has his place when you dishonor a bunch or your own in a character (or against Crane/Lion/Phoenix).....but unless you are in a conflict Yunako or Miyako, most likely you will have him in a political conflict where he doesn't do much except for the ability.

It might be just the group of people I play with (roughly 10 of us) that I find him super useful so to keep him standing for the glory count towards the Imperial Favour. I just can not justify putting Shosuro Actress in over him as I have played her many times and every time she just sits there being more political power that I do not need. I think in my case at least, that he makes more sense than other cards in the deck.

Edited by cforfar

Interesting views, he didn’t strike me as amazing but I can imagine the Lion/Crane benefit.

I find Shosuro Actress amazing, especially when you’re first player and especially against strong military clans. Use her in conflict one in political, then sacrifice her to defend the military from your opponent. Lovely stuff.