Passing Conflict Opportunity

By Yogo Rye X, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

In the manual of the game it says plainly "A player always has the option to pass on declaring a conflict during a conflict opportunity, but doing so relinquishes that conflict opportunity this phase"

But I had a game where the current first player "passed" his initial conflict phase and insisted as long as I declare two conflicts, he can do two as well.

I was in the assumption that if you pass one of them, you should only have one remaining opportunity left where you can choose either a military or political conflict.

So which is correct?

P.S. He said only if I pass as well then we are both left with one conflict ea or doesn't that suppose to automatically end the Conflict Phase?

EDIT: Ooops sorry wrong thread. Seriously thought I was in Rules area.

Edited by Yogo Rye X

You only get 2 chances to do a conflict if you pass time you lose it for the turn

The rules are that you get 2 opportunities to declare a conflict. When you pass on one of those opportunities, it will never come again.

Your opponent for that game had clearly taken it to mean a maximum of 2 conflicts, in which you could pass and then play both just as you could play actions in an action phase (or reactions to a reaction window). This is not correct.

RRD, Page 20.

When a player has an opportunity to declare a conflict, that player may:
◊ Declare a military conflict, or pass the opportunity to do so.
◊ Declare a political conflict, or pass the opportunity to do so.
If a specific conflict opportunity is passed, the player forfeits his or her right to use that opportunity this phase.

That’s the exact point where your opponent was mistaken.

One interesting extra question is, do I need to say which conflict I’m passing?

I’ve always just passed without saying whether I’m passing military or political specifically.

3 minutes ago, ayedubbleyoo said:

One interesting extra question is, do I need to say which conflict I’m passing?

I’ve always just passed without saying whether I’m passing military or political specifically.

No you do not, however if you do, you cannot declare that type of conflict.