so i was just wondering what you do when you gain animal bond from 2 different trees. do you get a new animal or do you upgrade the current one? or is the talent wasted altogether. (this is only possible from hermit and pathfinder combo)
Edited by lord4571Animal Bond Hermit/Pathfinder
Neither. You just skip over the talent the second time you encounter it, since it's not ranked. The synergy there is that is takes less XP to get to the bottom of the talent tree.
Animal Bond is a non-ranked talent, and is treated like all other non-ranked talents. I.e., once you've connected to it with other talents in the tree, you automatically mark it as purchased (at no cost; remember, you already bought it in a different tree!), and can continue buying other talents.
So while it doesn't increase your furry friend's stats or give you any new abilities, you at least don't have to buy it again. You basically just skip over it.
EDIT: I don't believe it when ninjas say they mean me no harm
ok, havent used the system that much so i never knew thats what happened with non-ranked talents
17 hours ago, lord4571 said:ok, havent used the system that much so i never knew thats what happened with non-ranked talents
Yeah the rule about what to do with multiples of the same talent is found at the beginning of the Chapter IV: Talents, page 136 FaD CRB, but is fairly far removed from all the actual talent trees in Chapter II, so it is easy to miss since those talent trees are what you normally look at when developing your character