Calgary LCG league

By iceman01, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Starting March 10th 2010 at Myth Games we will be starting our Living Card Game League. Were you can play either Call of Cthulhu or Warhammer Invasion.

Start time is 6:00pm till almost 9:00pm. This is an open league were you get points for showing up and a point for playing a game and an additional point for the Win. The Person with the overall best score will take something home with them. We do have to league kits of Call and one kit of the Warhammer.

Cost is 10.00 dollars for each title that you play in. To cover the cost to bring the Kits in. They are really expensive, to bring them accross the border.

Now the place were we are going to be playing at..........

Myth games

#4 3434 34th AVE NE
Calgary AB
tel 403.769.1909
fax 403.769.1908


I will be running the event. I hope many people will come out to play.

See you all there!!!!!