Compiled List of Sea of Blood Questions

By spazard1, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey Everyone!

I would like to compile a list of Sea of Blood specific questions that would be great to have answered in the next FAQ. My plan is to send this list off to FFG in about a week so that it gives them a nice starting point for a new FAQ. Please post your questions on this thread. Any help for this list would be appreciated. Thanks.

There are a few in the comprehensive list of unanswered questions thread. I'm not sure whether more than one list makes sense - one one hand, it allows people to concentrate on just issues concerning SoB here, but on the other hand, it bears dangers of being redundant...

Either way, here are the questions I submitted over there, after they cropped up in the forums:

  1. For advanced campaigns, in the FAQ, Rolling Stone and Poltergeist were removed, while Crushing Blow was restricted. This gets no mention in the rulebook for Sea of Blood, while many other changes from the FAQ made it into the same rulebook. Are these treachery cards still removed from the SoB advanced campaign?
  2. In island levels, spawning works similar to inside dungeons, monsters can spawn anywhere out of line of sight of the heroes. Since masts block line of sight, it is thus theoretically possible for monsters to spawn on the Revenge. Is this intentional? Monsters spawned on the Revenge can easily man its stations and crash it or sail it off the map.
  3. In island levels, what happens if the hero ship sinks? If monsters steer the ship off the map, do the heroes flee as well, just like if they'd have steered it off themselves?

Meanwhile, I found a few more:

  1. a) Skills that exhaust when used (example, Piercing Shot): Are these refreshed between game weeks?
    b) Is it correct that these skills do not refresh when a hero dies?
  2. The Ghost Ship's cannons, are they manned by the Ghost Ship or are they manned independantly? This is important because if the Ghost Ship mans them, it seems that they can aim every shot. Can they?

Good luck with this....I've sent a list of compiled SoB questions to FFG five times now and gotten no response.

Noble effort but unless you are in direct contact with someone at FFG and they have requested a list, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Here is the last list I sent them:

- The lieutenant The Void has no starting location listed on his card. So where does he start? If he starts in the OL's keep he is stuck because he can't move on overland trails.

- The two descriptions of Swim do not match in terms of the armor penalty:

- Swimming rules problem:

From the Swimming section, page 30 of the rules pdf:
It costs two movement points to enter a water space, regardless of whether it is shallow or deep. In addition, it costs heroes one fatigue to enter a deep water space. This cost is increased by one fatigue for every two points of armor (natural or otherwise, rounded down) the hero has.

From the description of Deep Water, page 38 of the rules pdf:
It costs two movement points to enter a deep water space. In addition, heroes entering a deep water space must spend one fatigue, plus one additional fatigue for every point of armor (including both natural and worn armor, rounded down) they have.

Is it for each point of armor, or for every two points?

- There have been repeated questions as to if hero abilities such as Laurel of Bloodwood apply when making a ranged attack with a cannon? Can heroes use the Aim order with a cannon and can a hero Dodge order be used against a cannon? Same thing for monsters: Do Beastmen get extra damage, Sorcerers their Sorcery bonus, and puzzling enough do Deep Elves get to add Frost to their attacks if it hits a hero?

- Fly and Water (shallow) and Water (deep): Monsters and heroes with fly (okay so pretty much the hero with Fly) can just move across water spaces in encounters and island levels without a penalty correct? Assume the same thing applies to Soar?

- Lieutenant minions:

* Soriss has 2 Nagas and 2 Master Nagas. The base game only comes with one Master Naga
* Darkwind has 4 Razorwings and 3 Master Razorwings. The base game only comes with two Master Razorwings

Questions about Truthseer Kel
Does her ability affect LoS for spawning?
If it does affect spawning what about Island Levels? Is there a limit on how far the ability affects?

Has anyone actually tried to call the customer service and speak to someone on the phone? Might be the next move if they refuse to reply to the various emails and such.

Jonny WS said:

Has anyone actually tried to call the customer service and speak to someone on the phone? Might be the next move if they refuse to reply to the various emails and such.

I'm not sure how well that would work, much less their reaction.

FFG seems to have taken the course that it's much more effective to answer FAQs through the email form. They do not consider the forums as a place for giving FAQ answers. The last time anyone gave us any advice on that, I remember them saying that you should send each question individually as it's own email.

Another one:

In the final battle with the Master of the Hunt, all he has to do is run past the heroes, turn sideways (blocking the corridor off), and wait for the Wild Hunt to off all the heroes. Should the heroes be able to move through him in the same way the Master of the Hunt can move through the heroes? Or can the Wild Hunt be killed off in the same way other Hellhounds can be?

Yet another one:

When a model suffers Knockback and lands in deep water, does it lose fatigue and / or wounds for "entering a deep water"?

Where ever he lands suffers the rules on that place ?

Etna''s Vassal said:

Another one:

In the final battle with the Master of the Hunt, all he has to do is run past the heroes, turn sideways (blocking the corridor off), and wait for the Wild Hunt to off all the heroes. Should the heroes be able to move through him in the same way the Master of the Hunt can move through the heroes? Or can the Wild Hunt be killed off in the same way other Hellhounds can be?

This is supposed to be a compiled list of questions thread. There is no point posting any old question here. Questions should be asked in the general forum first and if there is no resolution then they should get added here. Otherwise questions that genuinely need answers can get lost in a landslide of questions that already have clear answers in the rules and are frankly annoying to a game designer.

This might actually be a good question that should be sent here (unlike the knockback question which has a clear enough answer already), but it really should be asked in the general forum first. Apologies if it has and I missed it.

How about elven sails ?

Can the heroes choose a trail without encounter to avoid encounter check ?

Corbon said:

Etna''s Vassal said:

Another one:

In the final battle with the Master of the Hunt, all he has to do is run past the heroes, turn sideways (blocking the corridor off), and wait for the Wild Hunt to off all the heroes. Should the heroes be able to move through him in the same way the Master of the Hunt can move through the heroes? Or can the Wild Hunt be killed off in the same way other Hellhounds can be?

This is supposed to be a compiled list of questions thread. There is no point posting any old question here. Questions should be asked in the general forum first and if there is no resolution then they should get added here. Otherwise questions that genuinely need answers can get lost in a landslide of questions that already have clear answers in the rules and are frankly annoying to a game designer.

This might actually be a good question that should be sent here (unlike the knockback question which has a clear enough answer already), but it really should be asked in the general forum first. Apologies if it has and I missed it.

It has, you did. There wasn't any resolution: as written the Master of the Hunt basically wins unless he's got very low health. There's no chance for any kind of chase.