Hey all. New to the forums here. I don't have a ton of opportunities to play against other people, but I've around 10ish games under my belt and am undefeated with this Unicorn deck (though that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm good). Give me your thoughts fellow ponies. It's a UniCrab Dishonor Choke deck. Bid low to put pressure on the opponent and use Spyglass/Ide Trader/Giver of Gifts to generate resource advantage. Watch Commander synergies with bidding low and Rebuild for pulling out Favorable Ground for extra uses of Spyglass, etc (not original with me, saw another fellow suggest that idea. Kudos to him). I've played against Crane, Scorpion, Phoenix, and Dragon so far. Haven't played Lion or Crab yet.
Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder
Deck Clan: Unicorn
Total Cards: (85)
Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)
Total Influence: (13/13)
1x Golden Plains Outpost (Core Set #7)
1x Keeper of Void (Core Set #218A)
Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Ancestral Lands (Core Set #15)
1x Endless Plains (Core Set #14)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)
1x Shameful Display (Core Set #24)
Character [Dynasty]: (38)
3x Border Rider (Core Set #112)
3x Giver of Gifts (Core Set #115)
3x Ide Trader (Core Set #116)
3x Meishōdō Wielder (Core Set #113)
3x Moto Horde (Core Set #119)
3x Moto Youth (Core Set #109)
3x Shinjo Altansarnai (Core Set #121)
3x Shinjo Outrider (Core Set #114)
3x Utaku Infantry (Core Set #110)
3x Utaku Yumino (Core Set #118)
2x Warrior Poet (Core Set #117)
3x Keeper Initiate (Core Set #124)
Character [Conflict]: (3/10)
3x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)
Attachment: (16)
2x Cloud the Mind (Core Set #202)
3x Favored Mount (Core Set #192)
3x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)
3x Watch Commander (Core Set #133)
Event: (21)
1x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Captive Audience (Core Set #196)
2x Cavalry Reserves (Core Set #199)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
3x Court Games (Core Set #206)
1x I Am Ready (Core Set #197)
2x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x Way of the Unicorn (Core Set #198)
Holding: (5)
3x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)