Duelists... How Does The Trait Help me and What Are The Rules on it?

By Archeiengel, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

12 minutes ago, Tabris2k said:

Oh, my bad. As I understood, in PAX they were selling the 3rd pack before it’s official release date. And also I thought they had some new cards there. That picture with all the seals, I thought it was there.

The pictures of the seals were from PAX, as those were part of the prize support. My understanding is some people claimed the third pack was on sale there (but it wasn't) as an excuse to post leaked pictures to sites that have a ban against unauthorized spoilers, like the Reddit page.

Edited by Zesu Shadaban
14 hours ago, Tabris2k said:

Oh, my bad. As I understood, in PAX they were selling the 3rd pack before it’s official release date. And also I thought they had some new cards there. That picture with all the seals, I thought it was there.

Pack 3 was not for sale. It was a coincidence of timing. You are correct, we did get all the seals spoiled though.