Duelists... How Does The Trait Help me and What Are The Rules on it?

By Archeiengel, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

The rules for dueling can be found on certain Crane cards, but how does it play out when a character card gains the Duelist trait?

My guess is that (with Doji Challenger i.e.) her action can call out a lower card from the ready opponent's play area and then next turn challenge that character to a duel. Am I correct?

Also, Kakita Kaezin has the Kenshinzen trait. How does that work?

Would like guidance if at all possible. Thanks.

Traits have no predefined rules attached to them - they don't do anything unless a card references them. Duelist is no different than Bushi , Courtier or Shugenja in function. Same for Kenshinzen .

So to clarify - no. Doji Challenger does what her card says she can do, no more.

Also also - there are keywords which do have effects they apply, such as Pride , Sincerity , Courtesy . Duelist is not a keyword.

Edited by Elhannan

There are more cards coming which will reference the Duelist trait, but it does nothing on its own.

Quite a few traits exist as an extension of the flavor text, especially in the previous editions. Obsidian Champion, Psychopath, Daimyo, Merchant, etc.

Thank you everyone!

So being a duelist does not change anything if you do not have cards that say that?

38 minutes ago, velamoris said:

So being a duelist does not change anything if you do not have cards that say that?


1 hour ago, velamoris said:

So being a duelist does not change anything if you do not have cards that say that?

Yup, just like being a Bushi does not change anything if you don't have a card that specifically says it affects Bushi. Same goes for all of the other character types listed in bold at the top of a character's text box (shugenja, courtier, champion, etc.)

I hope this changes because it seems that the game has changed but not evolved

2 hours ago, velamoris said:

I hope this changes because it seems that the game has changed but not evolved

I would say I disagree, but as you say, the game has indeed changed. So much so, in fact, that it is difficult to illustrate how I feel it has evolved. One element that I find is far better in this game is that characters are not automatically killed when they lose a battle. The old game's all-or-nothing resolution mechanic discouraged any attack or defense unless victory was certain, which meant that provinces would often go undefended. And in a setting where samurai offer their lives for their family and clan, this felt very dissonant to me. I also like that honor - and the cost of sacrificing it - is present in every game. Losing 2 honor for an effect in the old game was meaningless unless I was going up against a dedicated dishonor deck. Now, I have to carefully consider what I can afford to risk in terms of honor, regardless of what my opponent is bringing to the table.

I just hope that they define dueling soon to assist the trait my clan is known for.

10 hours ago, velamoris said:

So being a duelist does not change anything if you do not have cards that say that?

Something is coming down the pipeline, otherwise why add a seal of the crane to give characters the duelist trait.

It combos with the Test of Skill card, and presumably others that will care about whether or not a character is a Duelist. That card also serves to give the Crane clan symbol, so a lot of the effect from the Seals are flavor/marginal.

1 hour ago, Archeiengel said:

Sure, I love the crane too, especially the duel deck

Some cards will require the Duelist trait.

which card ?
On 18.11.2017 at 3:14 AM, Ide Yoshiya said:

The old game's all-or-nothing resolution mechanic discouraged any attack or defense unless victory was certain, which meant that provinces would often go undefended. And in a setting where samurai offer their lives for their family and clan, this felt very dissonant to me.

I had hundreds of games when, (even in military vs military matchups) alone defender was making some attricion games and sacrificed himself for saving a Province (to have Presence and play some kill, bow or sendhome at least one card or unit). I don't know what's more thematic that really SACRIFICE your life to defend your land. And playing passive decks was all about tower defense mechanic where sacrificing your guys to save provinces was just their main playstyle.

Edited by kempy

Traits will never had an associated with it. One evolution (And I think this is an evolution) is removing 'traits' as having a defined game mechanic. It made the game bulky and hard to explain. Given that in EE/IE there were what, 10? 15? different rulebook traits that each did something and you would have to remember. Sure, they were mostly simple, but you'd have to explain it to new people. This way you know that when you see Duelist or Kenshinzen, you know it is 'flavor'. They keep a distinction between keywords and traits.

Only one card keys off Duelist at the moment, but we might see more in the first Cycle (We are still missing 40%?):


On 11/18/2017 at 10:33 AM, velamoris said:

which card ?


So far, that's the only known card. It is profoundly likely that there will be more.

4 hours ago, Yogo Gohei said:


So far, that's the only known card. It is profoundly likely that there will be more.

I like that it's even a usable card without Duelists, but still pushes you to care about the trait. That's a strong design philosophy, IMO.

2 minutes ago, Ide Yoshiya said:

I like that it's even a usable card without Duelists, but still pushes you to care about the trait. That's a strong design philosophy, IMO.

I think we are going to get a mix of things for this. This, the lion commander dude and Crisis Breaker work without other cards, if not as well. Shinobi, Monk and Cavalry cards do not work without cavalry. We haven't seen the scholar card(s) yet.

My only hope is that everyone gets 2+ 'theme' cards in imperial cycle.

36 minutes ago, Mirith said:

We haven't seen the scholar card(s) yet.

Phoenix Dynasty Character

(name redacted)

Courtier. Scholar. Shugenja. Water.

2 1/2/2

Reaction: After the Water ring is claimed, choose a Scholar character - honor that character" (Dynasty Character)

This is, supposedly, one of the cards spoiled at PAX, at the same time as the seals.

6 minutes ago, Tabris2k said:

Phoenix Dynasty Character

(name redacted)

Courtier. Scholar. Shugenja. Water.

2 1/2/2

Reaction: After the Water ring is claimed, choose a Scholar character - honor that character" (Dynasty Character)

This is, supposedly, one of the cards spoiled at PAX, at the same time as the seals.

PAX didn't leak any cards. I think was separate but at the same time.

Yep, that was one of the 4chan leaks which I believe was claimed to be coming in the 4th pack.

2 hours ago, Mirith said:

PAX didn't leak any cards. I think was separate but at the same time.

Oh, my bad. As I understood, in PAX they were selling the 3rd pack before it’s official release date. And also I thought they had some new cards there. That picture with all the seals, I thought it was there.