When the PCs use the window not the door

By Samuel Richard, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

This is not a a question rather I want to see some stories when PCs throw a curve ball at the Dm. An example of this is when my PCs ship had a atmosphere breach and instead of fighting their way to the control panel to close it. They instead allow their 8 foot trandotion to plug the hole with her body while they walk over to the panel and close it. Can't wait to hear some crazy stories.

Edited by Samuel Richard

Has someone been watching Lego Star Wars Freemakers?

Might want to advise them watching Mission to Mars, the Expanse TV series or The Martian movie?

No that actually happened in game

6 hours ago, copperbell said:

Has someone been watching Lego Star Wars Freemakers?

Might want to advise them watching Mission to Mars, the Expanse TV series or The Martian movie?

Do those have pew pew lasers and vroooom starfighters? Hyperspace travel? Aerodynamics in space?

5 hours ago, Stan Fresh said:

Do those have pew pew lasers and vroooom starfighters? Hyperspace travel? Aerodynamics in space?

I wanted to hear some crazy stories about how strange PCs can be, not passive aggressive stuff like this.

4 hours ago, Samuel Richard said:

I wanted to hear some crazy stories about how strange PCs can be, not passive aggressive stuff like this.

Me too, but then there was someone here shaming others for playing "wrong", and dealing with that nonsense takes priority.

Carry on!

13 hours ago, Stan Fresh said:

Do those have pew pew lasers and vroooom starfighters? Hyperspace travel? Aerodynamics in space?

No you're right they're better off watching Lego Star Wars!

I really should have mentioned Star Wars Rebels!

I've had Jedi characters use lightsabres instead of doors. :)

I had a Separatist building all set up and ready to go with ingenious traps and twists and turns and all manner of encounters. They sliced a captured tactical droid for a map of the installation, then literally sliced through the outside wall and two inner walls to get to the room they needed to be in. :o

My players are more of a GTA group of murder hobos. If it can fly, they try to steal it under the guise of "getting it to the rebellion". More often than not, they simply sell it off and pocket the cash. Or there's that time when they took on an Imperial cruiser by themselves and by shear dumb luck of dice rolling managed to take it out. Or the time they were out on a parts run for their VCX, and they got captured, like they were told not to by their superiors, and their ship's nav computer got scanned, giving the empire the location of Hoth and the Fleet. They escaped when the ISD they were on was hit by an Ion Cannon while in orbit over Hoth. They got blamed for the battle of Hoth, and the destruction of the fleet. So now the Alliance has given them the orders to rebuild the fleet. So far they've stolen two Gozanti cruisers, and a hardly held together Vigil class corvette.

Right now we're playing through the Desperate Allies adventure. My diplomat player has been convincing everyone he meets that he is a Duke, and has been owning the deception roles. He's convincing everyone that the party are his servants. Especially the mechanic. The two women, I have taken it upon myself to throw wrenches back at them, hence them being hit on by some rather influential people. Particularly the female commander, is being taken to a Marauder Corvette on a date with a rather small Zygerian. I throw wrenches back. :D

They throw wrenches into my plans constantly. They're the kind of group that wants to do the dumbest, silliest things. So I give them the typical formidable difficulty, with an upgraded red die or two and they still pass the check, do the dumb thing, and it actually works. It's frustrating, and exhausting trying to think of things on the fly like this all the time, but is a lot of fun, and comical.

My players needed to evacuate about 40,000 Wookiee slaves from a work labor camp on an Imperial occupied world. Rather than find a way around the Star Destroyer hovering over the capital city they decided it was the perfect transport for this large crowd of Wookiees. So they came up with and executed a plan to steal the Star Destroyer (luckily this was announced with plenty of time for me to plan for it, but it was absolutely not what I had in mind).

They succeeded in faking a reactor failure that evacuated the ship, but Imperial protocol is that a skeleton crew of 2,000 plus 500 stormtroopers remain aboard to try to save the ship until the last possible second and to ensure that it is destroyed rather than captured. When the PCs, who had taken the bridge, gave the order for the skeleton crew to evacuate, the 500 stormtroopers followed their protocol to seize the bridge if such an order was issued (since they were all expected to die an evacuation order was seen as a clear indication of foul play). They were having a great last stand moment on the bridge in a potentially very lethal fight when the pilot PC remembered she'd been carting around a thermal detonator that we had all forgotten about from like 12 adventures back. She threw it out into the corridor the stormtroopers were using as their primary approach and wiped out a massive number of them, making the dramatic final battle a cake walk (they only had to hold them off long enough for rebel reinforcements to board the ship and come to their aid).

Did you players use the Wookies as foot soldiers in their endeavor to take the ISD? My players definitely would have. They've been itching to steal an ISD, or something even bigger.

Two of my players, when tasked with retrieving a stolen item of cultural significance for a local politico, tracked down the gang who took it, and decided to bluff their way through the encounter. The Jedi Sage character, who basically used the "I'm not lying if I don't mention every detail." Cleverly worded his response to the NPC's question to make them think he was their contact to pick up the item, while the mechanic based character, found a control panel to hotwire outside the garage they were in, and used it to mess with the machinery inside while the Sage took the item and ran.

Same two players, while in a ship that was in freefall into orbit (cap ship, critically damaged and crashing), decided to, instead of trying to deftly navigate a hallway that was filled with tumbling debris (think a tumble dryer, but with massive furniture), instead decided to whip out his lightsaber, hurl himself down the hallway, and spin attack the various objects to remove them as obstacles.

1 hour ago, KungFuFerret said:

Two of my players, when tasked with retrieving a stolen item of cultural significance for a local politico, tracked down the gang who took it, and decided to bluff their way through the encounter. The Jedi Sage character, who basically used the "I'm not lying if I don't mention every detail." Cleverly worded his response to the NPC's question to make them think he was their contact to pick up the item, while the mechanic based character, found a control panel to hotwire outside the garage they were in, and used it to mess with the machinery inside while the Sage took the item and ran.

Same two players, while in a ship that was in freefall into orbit (cap ship, critically damaged and crashing), decided to, instead of trying to deftly navigate a hallway that was filled with tumbling debris (think a tumble dryer, but with massive furniture), instead decided to whip out his lightsaber, hurl himself down the hallway, and spin attack the various objects to remove them as obstacles.

Did he do that to avoid a "deception" check because "deception" does not require a lie it only require that the person be deceitful, in other words "a lie of Omission is still a lie" basically never ever let a player get away with "I am not technically lying" as a reason to not roll Deception if they are telling a half truth and omitting an important detail to convince some one to help them they are still being Deceitful and should still roll Deception. It's not a "Lying check" it's a "deception check."

1 minute ago, tunewalker said:

Did he do that to avoid a "deception" check because "deception" does not require a lie it only require that the person be deceitful, in other words "a lie of Omission is still a lie" basically never ever let a player get away with "I am not technically lying" as a reason to not roll Deception if they are telling a half truth and omitting an important detail to convince some one to help them they are still being Deceitful and should still roll Deception. It's not a "Lying check" it's a "deception check."

I will run my table the way I feel is appropriate thank you. And he basically took advantage of the wording I used, and worked it well into the narrative he and I were doing.

1 hour ago, KungFuFerret said:

I will run my table the way I feel is appropriate thank you. And he basically took advantage of the wording I used, and worked it well into the narrative he and I were doing.

I'm just saying there are a lot of players I have seen that try to pull the wool over a Gm's eyes when it comes to this little distinction, it's the reason Deception requires cunning and not Intelligence because to deceive you have to come up with a believable lie or to figure out exactly what to omit on the fly without giving it away in your demeanor. To me this is an example of the player being cunning even if their character is not. I'm not saying there are not times when omitting information can be a charm check or something since that is all about appealing to the person's emotions and that can overlap, however I am just saying that a Deception does not require a blatant lie and I hate it as a player when the GM let's another player get away with a blatant deception on a character with 1 cunning and no deception because that player was "technically Lying" it's akin to cheating to me as a Player so as a GM I don't allow players to get away with "technicalities" like that.

Edit: to put it another way the first time I saw someone pull the "I am not technically lying" clause out as a player and they got away with it was the second I asked the GM if I could roll up a new character because I realized I just wasted points in both Cunning and Deception that I could have put towards combat skills or other conversation skills because all I have to do to get away with any kind of deception is just not "lie" go straight to Kenobi's "What I told you was true... from a certain point of view" or I could walk down a hall and pretend like I belong there but because I am not lying no need for a deception. Basically as long as I am clever enough in my wording the Deception skill is worthless and I can get away with almost anything without rolling. This is why I HATE the phrase "I am not lying" to get out of a deception roll.

Edited by tunewalker
On 11/22/2017 at 8:34 AM, Kiowa706 said:

Did you players use the Wookies as foot soldiers in their endeavor to take the ISD? My players definitely would have. They've been itching to steal an ISD, or something even bigger.

Yes, they did! They had been waging a campaign to free the wookiees from the labor camps the Empire was employing them in and had liberated several thousand of them. The wookiees were a big part of storming the ship (the relief force that arrived with plenty of time once the thermal detonator blunted the stormtrooper's advance on the bridge).

I had a group of Rebels surrender to an ISB agent. That one threw me, because they outnumbered him 4 to 1 in a bar that was diligent about disarming all customers. They clearly could have escaped, but chose to go along peacefully when he asked. This was part of an old module that assumed the party would start a brawl and/or make a run for it. I wasn't prepared for an escape plan or anything else really.

The other fun is when you have a group of conclusion hoppers. One person makes a suggestion that is not valid, then the entire group runs off on a tangent that is either irrelevant, or just flat wrong based on player assumptions. The whole "He's wearing black, he must be a bad guy" or "everyone wants the McGuffin, it must be a Force artifact" assumption.

I started to just run with it for my group. They had a fondness for the A-Team tactics and stealing anything that wasn't nailed down. I had the Rebellion give them a contact/ handler from rebel intelligence who gave them missions objectives that made sense too the players and let them shoot the place up. The party later found out that while they went on OSR (on site requisition) missions the real mission was executed by a specialist team. All in all I was able to turn some of the biggest buffoonery to the stories advantage

On 11/16/2017 at 1:46 PM, Samuel Richard said:

They instead allow their 8 foot trandotion to plug the hole with her body while they walk over to the panel and close it.


Wow, if that were me, my reaction would have been: "*blink* Seriously?....Okay then, the Trandosian plus the hole with their body...for about 3 seconds until they are gruesomely snapped in half thanks to the pressure being exerted against her body and she is sucked out into space. There is still a hole in your ship, in fact it's probably a little bigger now. Would you like to try again with the bull? I am sure ONE of your companions will plug that hole..."

I'm all for clever solutions but that one just doesn't fly with me. :P

Power to you though for not losing your rag with them.

Edited by Ebak
On 11/17/2017 at 11:53 AM, Daronil said:

I've had Jedi characters use lightsabres instead of doors. :)

I had a Separatist building all set up and ready to go with ingenious traps and twists and turns and all manner of encounters. They sliced a captured tactical droid for a map of the installation, then literally sliced through the outside wall and two inner walls to get to the room they needed to be in. :o

Needless destruction and vandalism, +2 conflict. :P

15 minutes ago, Ebak said:

Wow, if that were me, my reaction would have been: "*blink* Seriously?....Okay then, the Trandosian plus the hole with their body...for about 3 seconds until they are gruesomely snapped in half thanks to the pressure being exerted against her body and she is sucked out into space. There is still a hole in your ship, in fact it's probably a little bigger now. Would you like to try again with the bull? I am sure ONE of your companions will plug that hole..."

I'm all for clever solutions but that one just doesn't fly with me. :P

Power to you though for not losing your rag with them.

Should have done that because that PC is now the most tankiest thing in the galaxy that will never even be threatend by combat. she did try and 1v1 a AT-ST with an axe but she spent 3 months in a bacta tank after that.

5 hours ago, Ebak said:

Needless destruction and vandalism, +2 conflict. :P

LOL...alas, it was in SAGA Edition days. :)