So, some background, I have played Star Wars X-Wing since Wave 1, I bought both Destiny and Rebellion when they came out, I have enough Armada ships to fight a decent-sized battle, I have every boxed set of Imperial Assault ever released, and I have run multiple Edge of the Empire campaigns, and I have enjoyed all of them, so I decided to fill the hole in my knowledge of FFG Star Wars games! The LCG looks pricey, and I don’t see people playing it, so I might stay away from that for a while.
Anyway, a friend of mine who also plays many of these games decided to teach me this game last night - and I was not disappointed! This is a fantastic little game, perfectly balanced and nuanced, with a good feel for Star Wars-style conflict. It certainly is much more than just Star Wars themed blackjack.
I am planning on buying this for my brother for Christmas, because I think it’ll be a great little gift and we can play the game whenever we want to play a Star Wars game but don’t have the time or space for one of the other games.
Every self-respecting FFG Star Wars fan should play this game. For $15, it’s hard to go wrong!