[Video] Imperial Summons Gameplay

By Cod, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Our channel VTTVlive is looking forward to providing video content for as many L5R events as we can get to! We livestreamed some games from the recent Imperial Summons event on November 12 and here's the first match - a Phoenix vs. Unicorn matchup. Tears of Amaterasu was legal for this event.

We will add to this post when we upload the rest!

Here's the next game - Crab vs. Scorpion!

First and foremost, thank you for making these! Ever since Wolrds, I've been itching to watch more l5r gameplay. My one criticism would be that, at least in the first video (I haven't watched the second yet) you answer questions in the stream chat that we can't see. So, things like "Dodgepong, yup, that's right," doesn't mean anything to us, the poor after-viewer. If you could give those a little more context, that would be helpful. Thanks!

On 11/16/2017 at 10:00 AM, twinstarbmc said:

First and foremost, thank you for making these! Ever since Wolrds, I've been itching to watch more l5r gameplay. My one criticism would be that, at least in the first video (I haven't watched the second yet) you answer questions in the stream chat that we can't see. So, things like "Dodgepong, yup, that's right," doesn't mean anything to us, the poor after-viewer. If you could give those a little more context, that would be helpful. Thanks!

For sure, we will try to repeat the questions next time.