Honorable Mention episode 2, with Brad Emon

By catachanninja, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hi everyone, our second episode is up, we do a bit of worlds coverage, but the bulk of it is our interview with worlds top 8 Brad Emon. In case i forgot during the episode, it was a blast meeting all of you at worlds, hope to see more of you at pax!


Good stuff, thanks fellas!!


enjoyable episode. love it when x-wing salt works its way in.

Super awesome episode guys! Keep it up!

I really enjoyed this podcast. Nice that you manage to cover so much detail without being boring or drifting off into nonsense. I look forward to future episodes. Perhaps you can get Mark to come on next?

For anyone who was following the whole Scorpion Role/Backhanded Compliment kerfuffle I would highly encourage you listen to this. I am very thankful for Brad's participation on this cast. It was enlightening to hear his thought process and point of view on this (as well as the game in total).

I hope to someday have the privilege to meet Brad in person at an event.

1 hour ago, Krashwire said:

I really enjoyed this podcast. Nice that you manage to cover so much detail without being boring or drifting off into nonsense. I look forward to future episodes. Perhaps you can get Mark to come on next?

For anyone who was following the whole Scorpion Role/Backhanded Compliment kerfuffle I would highly encourage you listen to this. I am very thankful for Brad's participation on this cast. It was enlightening to hear his thought process and point of view on this (as well as the game in total).

I hope to someday have the privilege to meet Brad in person at an event.

I agree completely. I was holding off having an opinion until I knew more about his choice about leaving Dragon to play Scorpion.

This was a hugely enjoyable and informative episode. Thank you to everyone involved!

Thanks guys! We’re going to continue doing these!

Let us know if you have specific requests for next episode!

Any chance you could get the top 4 or top 8 deck lists and discuss them?