some yes or no and some complicate topics

By RedKaliman, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I play descent since the first one and my friends are very good now, but the problem is that we argue a lot with all the inconsistences an overpowered things (we are from spain, so i dont now if we lose something while translating). The "interpretation" problem consumes almost all our time, so sometimes is very hard to play descent.

some of the cuestions we had are

are the abilities used with canons, like marksman or beastmen command and damage?

can cannon shots be aimed, dodged and can the cannos be shot with a guard order?

The OL gains threat firing a canon?

a hero with the koll´s mark can run and make 2 atacks or he must be able to make one normal atack (like quickcasting)?

piercing shot (and alike) is refreshed when the hero dies?

after a kockback or other efect that moves the heroes into deep water, the heroes lose the fatigue (and or wounds)?

is there any way to stop runemaster thorn from doing what he desires in encounters (teleport close to the siren, into the enemy ship wheel to crush the ship into a rock, be adjacent to the canons and fire them (koll´s mark again), or just kill a lot)? (ok, there are ways, but it seems that from now on if he appears, he will be in the party, like nanok in RTL, ) is he OP?

and one example of imaginative interpretation. If you can use orders with cannons, and the liutenants can place some orders, can the ghost ship aim his canon shots?

Ah, is the trail without encounter an errata? (please, yes)

Thanks for all, more questions later on

Quite a few very good questions you have there happy.gif Take my answers with a grain of salt. I'm quite certain concerning many of the answers, but marked a few answers with an asterisk (*) - I'm not so sure about these.

1) are the abilities used with canons, like marksman or beastmen command and damage?

2) can cannon shots be aimed, dodged and can the cannos be shot with a guard order?

3) The OL gains threat firing a canon?

Cannons are treated as merely another kind of weapon for all intents and purposes. So with the current rules as written, marksman and beastmen command and damage and everything does work. 1), 2) and 3) yes.

A common house rule seems to be that only figure-specific things that explicitly say that they work with cannons actually do however. Dodging and aiming and shooting them with guard remains possible, just like gaining conquest with them. So the house rule is: 1) no, 2) and 3) yes.

4) a hero with the koll´s mark can run and make 2 atacks or he must be able to make one normal atack (like quickcasting)?

I don't see a reason why he shouldn't be able to run and make two attacks. Or battle and make four attacks total. He does lose wounds with it.

5) piercing shot (and alike) is refreshed when the hero dies?

(*) That does not seem to be the case, no - I just don't see why it should. The refresh condition is quite explicit. When looking for this in the rules I actually started wondering whether it's to be refreshed between game weeks ... nowhere in the SoB rule book is it stated explicitly that it does refresh. Anybody knows more?

6) after a kockback or other efect that moves the heroes into deep water, the heroes lose the fatigue (and or wounds)?

The knocked back figure actually moves into the last field it's knocked back into (as explained for Aura in the rulebook), so I'd argue that yes, they lose fatigue for that last field.

7) is there any way to stop runemaster thorn from doing what he desires in encounters (teleport close to the siren, into the enemy ship wheel to crush the ship into a rock, be adjacent to the canons and fire them (koll´s mark again), or just kill a lot)? (ok, there are ways, but it seems that from now on if he appears, he will be in the party, like nanok in RTL, ) is he OP?

(*) He's definitely powerful, and it seems to me that yes, he can do those things. He'll also be very exposed if he does them though, away from his party - it's a risk and often worth taking I'm sure. I can't judge whether he's OP or not, due to still not having started with our SoB campaign sad.gif

8) and one example of imaginative interpretation. If you can use orders with cannons, and the liutenants can place some orders, can the ghost ship aim his canon shots?

(*) The stations are not crewed by the Ghost Ship, but crew themselves. It appears to me that this means that they can not automatically aim.

9) Ah, is the trail without encounter an errata? (please, yes)

Nope, SoB has trails without encounters it seems.

9) Ah, is the trail without encounter an errata? (please, yes)

Page 15, SoB:

Encounters are incidents that occur while the heroes are
traveling on the Torue Albes map. Because the Queen’s patrols
quell any dangerous forces operating on land, encounters only
occur at sea. Therefore, encounters in Sea of Blood tend to
involve ship-to-ship battles.

Fizz said:

Encounters are incidents that occur while the heroes are traveling on the Torue Albes map. Because the Queen’s patrols quell any dangerous forces operating on land, encounters only occur at sea. Therefore, encounters in Sea of Blood tend to involve ship-to-ship battles.

I guess RedKaliman was talking about the sea trails without encounters - there are two, Midnight Cove <-> Bright Sea, and Cerridor Sea <-> Narrows of Gracor.

Still, having no encounters is not all bad. My heroes in RtL ended up hoping for encounters, as an (usually) easy means to gain XP and money.

I would agree with everything Haslo has said, although my group plays that only monsters with attack types that are the same as the cannons may add their special abilities. So beastmen don't get their +2 damage, but Skeletons would still get their Pierce if attacking with a ranged cannon. Command is the exception though as it effects all attack types. I have no idea if that's right or not, but it seemed to be the way RAW worked and still made sense to us.