I couldn't find this mentioned specifically anywhere else so my apologies if it has been. Can a deck be constructed that utilizes multiple copies of the same province? If I was allowed to select 2 void provinces for example could I have 2 of the same void province or am I limited to selecting two separate and differing provinces with the void trait?
Are provinces unique?
You cannot use two provinces with the same name. I think it's in the rulebook, but can't check atm.
1 copy by name, Deckbuiling in Rules reference pg 5:
QuoteA player’s set of provinces must include exactly 5 provinces, consisting of exactly 1 province associated with each ring. (Each province has a ring symbol in the lower right corner of the card to indicate its association.) Each of these provinces must be in-clan or be neutral.
- No more than 1 copy of each province, by title, may be included in a player’s set of provinces
Thank you so much. I cannot believe I missed that, its rather clearly stated.