ship movement order

By RedKaliman, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Last night we played thw wild vortex encounter.

It was our first encounter and i forgot (as the overlord) that my ship can flee and i lowered one sail the first turn after deploying the ship in the red area.

The heroes stood 2 squares from the rock and they rolled 2 range in the red die.

as a result, they crashed, and after the encounter they noticed i would flee as well, and coincidentally, at the same time.

So, in wich order are moved the ship?

if both at the same time, one fleed and the other sunk, what is the result?

If not, who moves first? in this way, or one fleed or the other is sunk (if this i wish the OL decides XD)

By the way, there are erratas in this fencounter?, i see its a 33% chance for the overlord to win, but the encounter seem to be oriented that way (is the only one with sideway wind), and the king`s crown encounter? the ambush placing zone is automatic sunken ship.

thanks for all

There is no order for ships, although the rules imply that you do Wind movement first and Current movement second. It shouldn't be simultaneous, since ramming requires one ship hitting another (which can depend on who goes first). Another question worth asking.

Actually, it is simultaneous, since ramming only occurs when the FRONT of a ship moves into contact with another ship. Side to side and front to rear collisions cause no damage and just stop movement. (Page 28 and 29 SoB Rulebook). Only front to side collisions count (I dont think there are any scenarios when two ships could collide head on). One can easily simulate simultaneous movement with only two ships.

I would resolve wind first (IE: All forward movement), then currents. Theoretically, since the current is the same for the entire ocean, no (ship to ship) collisions should occur during current based movement as everything is moving the exact same speed via current.

You can also do it in order of Initiative. If it was not an ambush, then heroes move their boat first, then the OL, then the currents kick in. If it was, then OL moves their ship first, then the heroes.

You could go by Meritime Law and base who goes first on who's got the larger ship.

Or, go by who deployed first on Page 17:

Once an ambush has been checked for, the ships are assembled as explained on page 24. Ships are then placed on the map, starting with the largest and proceeding to the smallest (brigantines first, then galleys, then sloops). If both the overlord’s ship and the party’s ship is the same size, the heroes must place their ship first.