some Katas say target suffers damage dose that damage ignore armor? Rushing Avalanche style and spinning blade style are the 2 I have seen that do this.
Can you target someone in earth stance with Open hand style and if so why if not why not?
why is Lord Shiba’s Selflessness only usable once per session? It would be better if once per scene would make the shiba yojimbo seem more like a yojimbo
Again I will mention that earth stance is over powering there is very few things that can over come it and when combined with heavy armors makes it very hard to hurt someone in earth stance and heavy armor.
unless everyone is running around with heavy damaging weapons like tesubo it will cause very long drawn out fights unless there all in town some place where heavy armor is forbidden.
I also think people have the wrong idea behind wargear you can not hide some of the wargear items and when you come into a town and are headed to an inn the peasant cast will not go running to the headman every time they see a tesubo or naganata this has to be explained to people that it's like openly displaying a upside down cross in a church it will get you looks but none is calling the cops.
Why can I not make a sword and while making it think well I could make the scabbard look like a cane or a strange staff or walking stick. (not a katana or wakizashi ). I should not have to turn a sword into something other than a sword to do this
(it might be considered dishonorable or worse if caught with it in court or other inappropriate place) (I am talking the water opportunity of crafting adding or removing wargear and/or concealable)
I am sure there is more stuff like this if others would post there questions and maybe have a developer put in some answers