How are you Scorpion players dealing with the Lion's Pride Brawler?
Lately the Lion decks in the area have been putting her front and center and wrecking face against everyone but Crane. Using the Spiritcallers and some card that adds fate to them, they are keeping these characters in the game for a long time and it's becoming an issue for me. If they happen to get 2 on the board, it's really nasty.
I know some tricks to knee cap it if I have the first player token and attack first, but my opponents are learning to make sure she is down and ready when they have it.
A few of the Scorpion players around here have started splashing Phoenix for shugenjas, and depending on Cloud the Mind. It doesn't look too bad, but it would change up my deck quite a bit, and I feel like that's a lot of effort to deal with a single card...I don't want to make myself weaker against other clans.
I was splashing Crab for Watch Commanders to help with my dishonor game, and Jade Tetsubo to help with military + stacks of fate....I am thinking about taking out the Tetsubo, and running x2 Watch Commander with x3 Hiruma Ambusher. Not as potent as Cloud, but allows me to retain the majority of my deck while still having an answer for her in there. The Ambusher will also play well with Shosuro Miyako.