Divine Favor and the Final battle.

By Jonny WS, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Playing a RtL campaign, and have adopted some of the rules from SoB into the campaign, such as the dungeon and encounter leaders gaining their bonus wounds and armor based on the level of the campaign, and I will say that it was no problem whatsoever.

Another rule we ported over was the divine favor.

We have reached the OL's keep, and followed RAW. However, a question came up. In the SoB rule book, it states that the unspent conquest and XP totals are reduced to zero but not reset. (page 23 SoB)

In our campaign, the OL has dominated us in the conquest lead, so we have all been worth one conquest for the better half of the campaign.

The way I read it, XP totals are reduced to zero, so would this mean that divine favor will take effect again?

To forge ahead, we just decided that it would take effect again. I just wanted an opinion from the rest of the crowd. Thanks!

Well, the XP of the OL will be reduced to zero as well, so where should the Divine Favor come from?

OK, misread that rule section - DF is based on total conquest, not XP. So, by RAW it would kick in.

With respect to the SoB rule that the wounds of heros and avatar is based on the total conquest earned, DF won´t matter that much: Imagine a Final Battle with roughly even conquest at 300:300 - this would be +75 for the heros and +600 wounds for the avatar, plus a rather small portion earned in the Keep, which would be modified by DF or not.

Things would be a little different of course if you did not incorporate the SoB Keep rule for your RtL campaign...

Jonny WS said:

Playing a RtL campaign, and have adopted some of the rules from SoB into the campaign, such as the dungeon and encounter leaders gaining their bonus wounds and armor based on the level of the campaign, and I will say that it was no problem whatsoever.

Another rule we ported over was the divine favor.

We have reached the OL's keep, and followed RAW. However, a question came up. In the SoB rule book, it states that the unspent conquest and XP totals are reduced to zero but not reset. (page 23 SoB)

In our campaign, the OL has dominated us in the conquest lead, so we have all been worth one conquest for the better half of the campaign.

The way I read it, XP totals are reduced to zero, so would this mean that divine favor will take effect again?

To forge ahead, we just decided that it would take effect again. I just wanted an opinion from the rest of the crowd. Thanks!

Yeah, just don't forget like Parathion said, that the bonus health rules are different in SoB than in RtL and if you're using that much from SoB you may want to consider using the health bonuses from it also.

Yeah, I am aware of the difference between RtL and SoB in terms of the keep. I am going to ask the other players what they think and see what we go with, we are playing today, so I should have results later tonight. We may also try and use both systems and see what happens. I am expecting the heroes to win regardless though...I have not seen a OL win with the Avatar on the board.

Also, Thanks :)

Okay, so the Avatar ended up with about 900+ wounds to start. The heroes won by default though because of the way the map was.

Against the Titan, Obsidian shackles Plot with Brother against Brother card in effect.

The heroes won by default because We had the web weapon and killed off the hero who was enslaved. Somewhat lackluster. The Avatar could not do a thing with so many web tokens on him.

But the extra wounds made it a longer fight, had we not had the web weapon, it would have been more balanced.

Jonny WS said:

Okay, so the Avatar ended up with about 900+ wounds to start. The heroes won by default though because of the way the map was.

Against the Titan, Obsidian shackles Plot with Brother against Brother card in effect.

The heroes won by default because We had the web weapon and killed off the hero who was enslaved. Somewhat lackluster. The Avatar could not do a thing with so many web tokens on him.

But the extra wounds made it a longer fight, had we not had the web weapon, it would have been more balanced.

Against the Titan overlord, wouldn't he be rolling 4 power dice for a web token since large figures roll 1 extra per extra space they occupy? Or was it just because of battlingchain passingapid fire or something like that the web weapon stacked up too many tokens on him to overcome?

Yes, he was rolling the 3 extra power dice...but getting between 4-6 web tokens per attack...and only getting rid of maybe 5 when rolling for web, they just kept stacking up. When we called the game, the Titan had about 20 webs on him. That is not easy to break out of at all. lol

I've never did the final battle with the titan, but if this is true than as of now the Titan is now immune to web in my playgroup. We hate anticlimactic endings.

Do you get overlord cards during the avatar battle? (Haven't played extended campaign.) If you do, you might be able to accomplish something with Dark Balm. Still probably not an adequate solution, just throwing it out.

You could also consider a rule that a hero can't give away a weapon if he already made an attack with it on the current turn.

Though just flat-out making all named monsters immune to Web (as they already are to Stun) might not be a bad idea.

No OL cards after the avatar appeared on the board. But on the way through the keep, there should´ve been some opportunities to destroy that nasty Web weapon.

I dont believe in making named monsters immune to web, that just seems silly. In reality, the overlord for that campaign was new at the job...so he was not fully aware of all the treachery cards and other various tricks. And of course, I am not going to mention to him that if he hates the weapon so much, why not just break it?

He will keep that in mind for next time for sure.

AntiStone - I am surprised you asked about the Overlords deck in the final battle...you are a rules guru! lol

Jonny WS said:

I dont believe in making named monsters immune to web, that just seems silly. In reality, the overlord for that campaign was new at the job...so he was not fully aware of all the treachery cards and other various tricks. And of course, I am not going to mention to him that if he hates the weapon so much, why not just break it?

He will keep that in mind for next time for sure.

AntiStone - I am surprised you asked about the Overlords deck in the final battle...you are a rules guru! lol

Antistone is a rules guru, but as he stated he hasn't played the advanced campaign (presumably he just prefers vanilla). And yeah, Crushing Blow on that web weapon should've happened on the first level of the keep, lol.

Yes, pretty much.

Vanilla: Played a bunch, asked and answered a ton of questions on the forum, designed my own homebrew variant.

Extended campaign: Read the RtL rules once when they came out and decided I wasn't interested. Never played. Didn't read the SoB rules.

Leads to a substantial difference in my familiarity between the two.