Striker Swarm for “Deuces wild” event

By Ronu, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So format rules for the day:

No pilots with a printed value above 2

TLT is limited to 1 per list.

My list

4 Imperial Trainees AA and LWF

2 Academy Pilots

Match one: 3 X-wings (T-65’s) R2 Astro’s and IA and 2 Z-95’s with Harpoon Missles.

First couple of rounds was tactical position and repositioning. Once the shooting started it was real quick to tell how the game was going to go. He couldn’t miss and even with focus and evade tokens I couldn’t get evades to save my life. Then to make matters worse my red dice rolled as well as the green dice! It wasn’t easy to figure that out but it happened. So sadly lost the opening match pretty handily.

Match 2: Shadowcaster; Ketsu, title, splicer tools, Ion discharger. Spice runner, K4, Moldy crow, TLT, Pulse ray shield, Ion discharger. Syndicate Thug, R4, Btl Title, Ion Turret, guidance chips and plasma torps. So ships places and some rushing TIEs across after the TLT. A couple dive to work on the shadow caster and Y wing. Hwk recharges it’s shield but I have no issue with the ailerons as well taking it. Smart flying sets up multiple R1 shots to burn down the hawk. The Caster and HWK get one of the Academy Pilots and the Y wing puts a dent into of of the Strikers. The Caster and y wings work to the far corner of the map but Strikers and Tie are in pursuit. Striker in the next to last round gets TB’d out of positionand loses a R1 shot on the Y WING. last round, Y wing finished off the striker before he could fire. And rolled just well enough on Defence to not go down. Two Strikers deal a combined 6 to knock the Caster down to half for a victory.

Match 3. Vs Tie Defender wD title and TB. TIE Punisher 1: minefield mapper Cluster mines x2. TIE Punisher 2: Minefield mapper, Cluster Mines x2, Concussion missles, Proton torps. Setup then he unloads 4 sets of clusters clogging up lots of routes. So as we play managed to avoid a mine but ran over an Asteroid after some poor positioning on my part and the TIE d threw me back into the Mines which did another damage and fined off the striker. Strikers and my L/N end up on the right side of the Mines finally and my opponent made a catastrophic error, put his punisher dial in place of his defender dial and vice versa, so had to 4K in red instead of white which slowed some of his own plans. Drops a mine on one of the L/No and I roll 4 hits and you know the rest. Some focus fire and take out the defender. Then Time is called 31 to 31. Judges says one more round. Punisher two selects poorly and uses his Proton term instead of a concussion missle and I’m able to avoid the 2 crits. 4. Shots into the punisher did y of the 7 damage needed. Roll off I won.

Everyone raved about the format. Lots of fun different builds and ideas on what to use. Other list saw B-wings resurface and even an E- wing and A wings made visits. This really went back to dice and piloting being in control and less about all the upgrades pilot abilities and action economy.

That format sounds like a ton of fun! Also, I really love strikers, so your list is right in my wheelhouse. :D

TIE strikers are the best! I'm 4-2 in the Vassal League with a strikers squad. Instead of 2 Academy Pilots I've been using an Omicron Group Pilot with Darth Vader crew. Vader makes the shuttle a pretty effective control piece, denying areas for fragile ships to fly. I've also tried out a Nu Sq. Pilot with XG-1 Assault title, Tractor Beam, Linked Batteries, and Advanced SLAM. Being able to Tractor Beam at long range to bring a high-PS ship in closer after they've shot, so my TIE strikers all have better's a beautiful thing!