Hi All,
Let me just say up front, as an avid OldL5R player, how great it is to see a lively community built around this game again! I’ve been enjoying the FFG take on Rokugan immensely, despite the demise of the Mantis, but have encountered a few issues frequently enough in my gaming group to want to adopt some house rules. The major concerns my group and I have are based around honor and card draw. Specifically, no one in my group ever wins/loses by honor and players frequently end up with 10+ Conflict cards in hand.
Thus, I’ve drafted the following rules to try and mimic both the honor/dishonor victories and manageable hand sizes I miss from OldL5R and would like to get input on them. Primarily, I’m looking for opinions on balance or playability of these rules, but feel free to comment on your preferences too if you absolutely love/hate them!
• Draw Phase - each player has a default honor bid of two which cannot be modified except by card abilities.
• Proclaim - once per turn, you may pay one additional fate when putting a character into play from a province in order to gain honor equal to that character’s personal honor.
• Air Ring - replace the current rules with, "after winning a conflict as the attacker you may choose to either 1) gain honor equal to the personal honor of a character you control, or 2) cause an opponent to lose honor equal to the personal honor of a character they control."
• Honor - if a player has 30 or more honor in their pool, that player immediately wins.
I’ve found that the following changes tend to result in Conflict hands that are on average 4-5 cards rather than 10+ and to make honor a significantly more important resource.
Fair warning that I’ve exclusively tested these rules with a Dragon and Phoenix deck only. I’m planning to try them out in a Scorpion deck this coming week in casual play. However, any comments or advice would be welcome!
Thanks! -IsawaBoyen