Thinking about playing netrunner.

By Bradders77, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Hi, so can i just jump in with the new revised 2player game and take it from there or will i have to back track? Im currentlt playing destiny. And is work out expensive lol.


There are currently 36 products by title in the Netrunner card pool, counting the revised Core set. So if you decided you had to have everything, it would be a few hundred dollars.

i don’t recommend this. The Lunar and SanSan pack cycles (6 Packs each @$15) will only be around for about another year, so I wouldn’t advise buying anything from there unless there were must-haves.

Rather, I recommend building your collection at a pace you’re comfortable with. One Revised Core Set to start, and the newest Data Packs as they come out. Once you have your feet under you, then you’ll be better able to estimate whether to pick up Deluxe Sets, Terminal Directive, additional Core Sets, or Data Packs from the catalogue.

Your best bet is to watch some videos of the game being played on youtube or twitch. Figure out if this is the kind of game you would like. Then see if there is a local play group in your area. If you don't have people to play with, then no point. If there is a good play group, see if they are willing to teach you the game with their cards. Then if you decide to play, look for a used collection. It is the cheapest buy in. Otherwise you are looking for stuff on sale/discounted to cut down on the buy in price, which is several hundred at this point.

The core set by itself is only playable with itself. If you try to pay with just the core set against a play group that has access to pretty much everything it will be like you are playing two different games. It's like using one of the old destiny starters and taking it to a tournament where everyone is running force speeds. It won't be a fun experience.

Mep is very and unnecessarily cynical when it comes to getting people into the game. We had a new player pop up on our local Facebook page over the weekend who came to our Sunday meetup *yesterday* and all he owned was a single core set.

Rather than telling him "It won't be a fun experience" we decided to ensure it would be a fun experience by bringing extra decks, encouraging him to proxy any cards he would like to use, and actually talking to each other like human beings. It was great!

Cheers for the info chaps, my local is running a netrunner introduction sessions that I'm going to check out.

7 hours ago, Grimwalker said:

Rather than telling him "It won't be a fun experience" we decided to ensure it would be a fun experience by bringing extra decks, encouraging him to proxy any cards he would like to use, and actually talking to each other like human beings. It was great!

Yeah, what I said.

@Bradders77 Best of luck to you.

Is the revised core something you’d want coming back to the game? I’ve got 3 of the first core

I don’t know if that’s necessarily the best bang for your buck, but since a goodly chunk of the original core set has rotated out, if you were to get back in, you’d probably have some significant constraints on building legal decks. There was a pretty significant turnover of key cards : Astroscript, Breaking News, Accelerated Beta Test, and Posted Bounty agendas all left, the icebreakers Yog.0, Corroder and Ninja were replaced, and you wouldn’t even have as many IDs to choose from as Noise, Kate, and ETF are also gone.

It may be that a deluxe set may be your easiest ticket back into playability, but down the road I see at least one Revised Core Set in your future.

I've been wanting to try this LCG for awhile, but haven't purchased any sets yet. The revised core says it comes with cards from Genesis and Spin cycles. I can skip the original core set for sure, but do I still need to pick up those cycle packs, or no?

Nope. Start with Revised Core and you need never worry about Genesis and Spin Cycles again.

Awesome. And you mentioned earlier that Lunar and SanSan are both going away? Will some of those cards end up in some revised deluxe expansion or something?

Not that we know of.

Part of the impetus for the Revised Core was that Genesis and Spin Cycle were never designed to rotate and contained a lot of staple cards that would have been awkward to lose.

Since Lunar and SanSan was where they started to “color outside the lines” losing them isn’t going to blow a hole in the metagame. At any rate, they’ll rotate probably sometime either at the end of 2018 or early 2019 which is not a huge amount of time to get your money’s worth. Better to focus on packs that aren’t so long in the tooth.

How well does the game function over all if you only pick up the (revised) core and the deluxe expansions? Are the cycle packs extremely useful? Are all the factions pretty well supported by the core and deluxe expansions?

I have no desire or plans to participate in tournaments; I just want to play for fun and have maybe one pre-built deck for each faction for when friends want to play that don't have their own cards.

@RLogue177 In that case you probably want one core and terminal directive. The campaign mode isn't bad even if it is meant for only one play through and the cards from that set are great. That will be the best bang for the buck. After that maybe Honor and Profit if you want to get into Jinteki.