Hida Kisada & Charge

By agarrett, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

The situation: Crab is on attack in the second battle of the turn, but he won the first one. Military attack, defender takes first action, and then the Crab uses charge to put Kisada into play.

Question: Is the defender's next action cancelled? I said no, Kisada cancels the defender's first action in the conflict, and the defender had already taken that action - the window had passed. Crab argued that Kisada wasn't in play at the time, and the action 'count' for him starts with him entering play. It was a casual game, so we just diced off for it (he won, we cancelled my next action) but wanted to see if we could find a better ruling.


The fact that Kisada wasn't in play for the opponent's first action doesn't change the fact that it was the first.


Hida Kisada cancels the first action ability of the conflict, not the first action ability since he had been present.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Rules Reference that we can point you towards to get a 'ruling'.

It is basically just the English definition of the word 'first'.

If he said '...cancel the next action ability..., he would work like your opponent thought.

Edited by Bayushi Shunsuke

So if on Defense, opponent passed on his Action ability. After the Kisada charge, he should be able to cancel whatever Action the defender does next right?

As long as the opponent hasn't triggered the effect of an action ability before you charge in Kisada, yes.