I played a couple games last night with a just-for-fun list I threw together, primarily to practice flying the Lambda -class Shuttle. You can view the list here .
The first game was great. I played against a Rebel with an A-Wing, a YT-2400, and Rebel Nym. I was having horrible luck with dice, but my shuttle was making a decent nuisance of itself with its Anti-Pursuit Lasers (they probably did more damage than all my other attacks that game put together). He managed to take out my TIEs and start whittling down my shuttle, while I took out Nym and managed to get his YT to fly off the board. Ultimately, it came down to my shuttle against his A-Wing, both with one hull left, and with him behind me! There was a frantic chase for a couple rounds, but finally I managed to stop right in his path, and APL took the killing shot. Both of us agreed that it had been a very intense, very fun, very close match!
The next match was less good. I played against another Rebel player who had Dash Rendar and Wullffwarro with Lando crew, Kyle Katarn crew, Experimental Interface, and some other upgrade (possibly Predator). Essentially, every single turn he would perform a green maneuver (clearing a stress and triggering Kyle), take Reinforce as his action, and then use EI to use Lando while also gaining a stress to be able to do it all again next round. Initially, I thought it would be tough but possible, as between my TIE/D title and the TIE Phantom I can attack enough to eventually run him out of tokens. Unfortunately, the very first two attacks he made against my Defender, he rolled three hits and I rolled all blanks. After that, seeing how many tokens he was getting every single turn, and knowing that the asteroid positioning meant it would be pretty much impossible to get both my shuttle and the Phantom shooting in the same turn, I simply surrendered.
Ah, well. You can't win them all, and the list is still teaching me a bit about flying the Lambda !
Edited by JJ48