Calling all NYC players

By themaninnavyblue, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hey I am looking to start a recurring L5R meetup or tournament at one of my local gaming stores in New York City, Brooklyn. This can be a monthly, bi-monthly or weekly event, I just need to gauge if there is enough interest, so if your in the NYC area and you want to play L5R or if you want to learn, let me know!

Firstly, before I discuss my preferences I would be remiss to mention Nu Brand Gaming in Brooklyn that meets every Thursday night starting at 6pm.

To the stated topic I say "yes" but that we should play in Midtown. There are players in Queens, UWS, and Brooklyn; Midtown is moderately inconvenient for everyone as opposed to convenient for a few players and fairly inconvenient for everyone else. The trouble with having all these small groups of 3-5 scattered about such a relatively small region is that when one person loses interest, it invariably poisons the other players and the entire group eventually leaves. Having a single group play together helps mitigate this.


Edited by Kakita Shiro