Jasco Games Update

By jasco games, in UFS General Discussion

Hey everyone,

We are still working on the license arrangements. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your patents in this long process. I have added most of you to the mailing list if you have e-mailed me and I plan to send everyone a test mail by this weekend. If you do not receive a message by Saturday night, and you have e-mailed me, please let me know so that I can get you on the list. During the whole waiting process we have gone ahead and purchased a new website, so www.jascogames.com will no longer look terrible and be useless. We will have the new site up shortly so check in and we will have the new forums up on the new site as well.

I hope that helps with some questions and just stick in there! I am in the same boat as you guys, I am just waiting for the deal to close.

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail us at jascocollectables@yahoo.com or call Jasco Games store directly at 806-252-3404.

I look forward to telling you all that UFS lives on so keep checking in here and there!



Suppooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrtttttt!!!!!!! lol good luck!!

Good luck buddy, really rooting for you, send me an email when you get the chance, haven't heard from you in so long (well, I did get your message that you sent to everyone, but e a linne sometime anyways :D )